Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week.

Steam Sky

Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Ada and Nim)

The second week of preparation for the next big version of the game passed. Good news, I found the solution for the main showstopper bug. The bad news is that it needs a lot of work to fix it. And this was the reason that the list of fixed bugs is shorter today. I also looked at issues reported by one player and seems the most of them are fixed in the development version. But during checking them I found another ones. :D

  • Fixed setting an event or a mission as the destination for the player's ship.
  • Fixed updating the debug menu after changes
  • As mentioned above, I found the reason why the game crash on Windows systems. Unfortunately, it requires some changes in the game to fix it. I think I'm currently after half of the work on fixing it. So in the next week it should be done.
  • And again, some code was moved to its new home in Nim. This perhaps fixed some bugs but also produced a few new ones. :)
  • The old code got some cleanups again.


The static code analyzer for Nim programming language

And the work is done here for now. A half of the week were spent on various maintenance tasks, like fixing issues reported by the program itself. No new features, only the code should be written fully in my style. ;) And of course a new big day happened: a new version, 0.8.0 was released. Again, the project is going into sleep mode for now. I will use it with my other projects and gather reports of bugs or new ideas for the program's rules.


The non-POSIX command shell written in Nim

And the work on this project restarted again. While no new things arrived this week, there are some changes in the code too. Mostly related to the new version of nimalyzer checks. :) But also one bug was fixed:

  • Started work on code cleanup so it will be following my own coding style. This requires a lot of work, so perhaps this point will appear in several weekly reports. :)
  • Fixed returning to the first row from the last row in the Tab completions' list.

Wine freesbie

Various versions of Wine for FreeBSD

And here the report short as usual. There are two visible changes for everyone: two new versions for Wine arrived here: 8.0-18 and 8.0-25. Both of them are wine-proton-ge ported to FreeBSD. Seems like both working properly, so this project also is going to sleep for now. At least until release of wine-proton 9.0.

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