Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week.

Steam Sky

Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Ada)

And the last report for the stable version of 9.0 series is here. As almost usual, it is an empty report, so all bugs will be included in the next big version of the game. :)

In the development version, this was the last week with any visible changes to the game. Currently, I have indecisive results of tests of the game on Windows. Sometimes it works properly, sometimes it crashes. It would be nice if someone will check it too, and post results here. After all, here will be a new development release very soon. :) But before it happens, here is a list of changes from the last week:

  • Finished work on better looking general information about the player's ship. It is more colorful now and also should be better aligned.
  • Almost finished updating the look of the dialog for assigning orders to the player's ship's crew members. Some small changes are still to do, but they should be done before the release.
  • Related to the task above: added a colored version of icon to assign orders to the player's ship's crew members.
  • As always, the documentation for modding the game was updated with information how to modify the newest icon.
  • Fixed crash when trying to show information about an error on Windows.
  • Fixed crash when starting a new game on Windows.
  • And as usual, some code was moved to Nim. Now, the general information about the player's ship's crew members are in the new home. And work started on the code related to showing their inventory.
  • Plus some code cleanups in the old code were done too.

As mentioned above, it is time for the next development release. :) In around 24 hours since this post, it will be available for download. After then, be prepared for four boring reports about fixing errors, etc.


The static code analyzer for Nim programming language

That was the week of mixed work. Almost half of it spent on updating the program's code and the second half on adding new features to it. So I have more thing to update in the next week. :) But we are close to the next release of the program. Here are more details:

  • Finished task on updating the program's code to fulfill the checks of objects types. Now everything should keep the same style. No more public fields in objects' declarations around. :)
  • Redesigned rule assignments so it will better detect assignments in a code. At least it should better detect them. :)
  • This triggered changes to the testing code of the rule mentioned above.
  • Fixed testing code for forstatements rule. It should be now a valid Nim code.
  • Added new types of values available for the program's rules' options: natural and positive. As they name say, the first accepts only values with 0 or above, and the second values greater than zero.
  • And the project's documentation was updated with information about the newest types.
  • Some rules were updated to use the new type of rules. For example, we don't want to check case statements do they have negative amount of branches. :)
  • Added a new feature to objects rule. It can now detect if declarations of object types contain fields with int or string type.
  • Again, the project's documentation was updated with information about the newest check.
  • And it was added to the program's configuration. I don't like to have public fields in object types. ;)
  • This of course triggered changes in the program's code. But now all objects should not have standard types used in them.
  • And started work on the new option for vardeclared rule. Same as for objects rule it will be checking for int and string type in variables' declarations. But here the work is in a very early stage of development, so in the next week, here will be more to report.

Wine freesbie

Various versions of Wine for FreeBSD

Short report as usual, but at least should be interesting for mortals. :) I've added a new version of wine-proton: 8.0-5. That's the last version in the 8.0 series. Also added a patch for the official package in FreeBSD. In the next weeks I plan to add more versions of wine here.

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