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Ada2012 controlled types error: call to abstract procedure must be dispatching

I'm facing a compilation error where I'm not sure about what is going on.

I provide a minimal reproducibable example; if I implement the Initialize procedure, everything is ok and no errors are thrown. The same occurs if class Derived_t has no Hashed_Maps instantiation component, which it's full view is a controlled type and I don't know if it could be related.

with Ada.Finalization;
private with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps;
private with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;

package root is
  type Root_t is limited interface;
  type Derived_t is abstract limited new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled and
    Root_t with private;
  procedure Initialize (this : in out Derived_t) is abstract; --if null implementation is provided, no error is raised
  procedure Finalize (this : in out Derived_t);
  type array_t is array (Positive range <>) of Positive;
  type arrayPtr_t is access array_t;
  function fHash (key : Positive) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is
  package HashedDict_pck is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps
    (Key_Type => Positive,
     Element_Type => Positive,
     Hash => fHash,
     Equivalent_Keys => "=");
  --The compilation error is raised before name Derived_t
  type Derived_t is abstract limited new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled and
    Root_t with
       arrayMember : arrayPtr_t;
       dict : HashedDict_pck.map;
     end record;
  procedure pFreeArray is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
    (array_t, arrayPtr_t);

end root;
package body root is

  -- Finalize --

  overriding procedure Finalize (this : in out Derived_t) is
  end Finalize;

end root;

The compilation error occurs at line 33 column 8, just before entity name Derived_t in the private part: call to abstract procedure must be dispatching.

I know that controlled types are usually implemented privately, to hide the procedures to clients; I decided to make it public to enforce implementers of concrete classes to implement the Initialize procedure.

An implementer would do the following to implement a concrete class:

package root.concrete is

  type Concrete_t is new Derived_t with private;

  procedure Initialize(this : in out Concrete_t); --Implementation will initialize Derived_t arrayMember

  --other Concrete_t public primitives


  type Concrete_t is new Derived_t with 
      --Some stuff
    end record;

end root.concrete;

I think that, as I declare the map as a member record, and as the map is a controlled type, it needs to initialise its enclosing record but, as the Initialize is abstract, the compiler don't know what to call. Am I right?

I'll privatize the use of controlled types with a null default implementation of the Initialize to fix it, anyway an implementer shall implement the procedure for a concrete class to construct it correctly.

Ada: named access types and memory pools

I have read the following from wikibooks:

A pool access type handles accesses to objects which were created on some specific heap (or storage pool as it is called in Ada). A pointer of these types cannot point to a stack or library level (static) object or an object in a different storage pool. Therefore, conversion between pool access types is illegal. (Unchecked_Conversion may be used, but note that deallocation via an access object with a storage pool different from the one it was allocated with is erroneous.)

According the bold text, if the named access types belongs to the same memory pool then the conversion is legal?

I'm implementing a composite pattern, and I think I could improve the design if the composites return references to its concrete leaves and composites, avoiding the use of keyword "all" in the named access definition. I think I need memory pools to accomplish with it, but I think that it is an advanced feature and I haven't found enough documentation to be sure I can implement one by myself correctly.

I have been following the links shared in this post. Does anybody know other resources after ten years?
