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How do I ensure a record's discriminant value is equal to another record component's value?

I have a File_Reader composed of two records, File and Buffer. I would like to ensure both Records always have a valid buffer size when initialized, i.e. Data_File.IO_Buffer_Size is equal to Data_In.Size.

I couldn't find a way of initializing a record component's value with another record's component value or discriminant, so I figured I would at least apply a static predicate which was unsuccessful. Using dynamic predicate as,an alternative poses issues in a LightRuntime environment.

I could easily add a Buffer_Size discriminant to File_Reader, but I would like to explore alternative solutions. Lastly, the record layouts must be preserved since they are memory mapped using representation clauses which are not shown:

type File is 
      Name           : String;
      IO_Buffer_Size : Buffer_Size;
   end record; 

type Buffer(Size : Buffer_Size := 300)  is         
      Pos   : Buffer_Size := 0;
      Value : String(1 .. Size);
   end record;

type File_Reader(Name : String) is 
       Data_In      : Buffer;    
       Data_File    : File := (Name, Data_In.Size); -- Won't work
   end record;

Ada instanciation of a generic package with an implementation of a limited interface

I have a limited interface defined in my_interface_package.ads.

package My_Interface_Package is

   type My_Interface is limited interface;

   procedure Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Interface) is null;
   procedure Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Interface; Some_Parameter_2 : in String) is abstract;

end My_Interface_Package;

The type My_Class implements this interface (in my_class_package.ads and my_class_package.adb).

with My_Interface_Package;

package My_Class_Package is

   type My_Class is limited new My_Interface_Package.My_Interface with record
      Some_Element : Boolean;
   end record;

   overriding procedure Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Class);
   overriding procedure Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Class; Some_Parameter_2 : in String);

end My_Class_Package;
with Ada.Text_IO;

package body My_Class_Package is

   procedure Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Class) is
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Inside Procedure_1.");

   procedure Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Class; Some_Parameter_2 : in String) is
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Inside Procedure_2.");

end My_Class_Package;

I have a generic package My_Generic_Package defined in my_generic_package.ads and my_generic_package.adb. It expects a type My_Generic_Type. I want this type to accept any concrete implementation of the interface My_Interface.

with My_Interface_Package;

   type My_Generic_Type is limited new My_Interface_Package.My_Interface with private; -- The problem seems to be in this declaration.
package My_Generic_Package is

   type My_Generic_Class is record
      Element : My_Generic_Type;
   end record;

   procedure Calling_Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Generic_Class);
   procedure Calling_Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Generic_Class; Some_Parameter_2 : in String);

end My_Generic_Package;
with Ada.Text_IO;

package body My_Generic_Package is

   procedure Calling_Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Generic_Class) is
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Calling Procedure_1.");

   procedure Calling_Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Generic_Class; Some_Parameter_2 : in String) is
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Calling Procedure_2.");
      Procedure_2(Some_Parameter_1, Some_Parameter_2);

end My_Generic_Package;

My main.adb:

with Ada.Text_IO;
with My_Class_Package;
with My_Generic_Package;

procedure Main is
   package My_Instanciated_Package is new My_Generic_Package(My_Generic_Type => My_Class_Package.My_Class);
   My_Object : My_Instanciated_Package.My_Generic_Class;
   My_Instanciated_Package.Calling_Procedure_2(My_Object, "some_string");
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Program terminated.");
end Main;

GNAT 12.2.0 tells me my_generic_package.ads:3:73: missing ";" (he doesn't want the 'with private' part, but even without it, also fail).

I have tried a bunch of other declaration but ultimatly (trying to inspire myself from wikibooks), all failed. Any idea of what's wrong ?

In Ada, specifying a Record’s Integer field as unbounded, probably box <> notation, in order to set the range when instantiating

Using GNAT CE with Ada on Macbook Intel silicon and want to specify (.ads) a record type with a type integer field, as unbounded,in order to set the record’s internet field’s range later, probably with box <> notation. But can’t get it right:

type a_gear is
num: Integer positive range <>;  -- fails     
position: Integer range <>) of integer; -- fails
end record;