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Before yesterdayNews from the Ada programming language world

Ada instanciation of a generic package with an implementation of a limited interface

I have a limited interface defined in my_interface_package.ads.

package My_Interface_Package is

   type My_Interface is limited interface;

   procedure Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Interface) is null;
   procedure Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Interface; Some_Parameter_2 : in String) is abstract;

end My_Interface_Package;

The type My_Class implements this interface (in my_class_package.ads and my_class_package.adb).

with My_Interface_Package;

package My_Class_Package is

   type My_Class is limited new My_Interface_Package.My_Interface with record
      Some_Element : Boolean;
   end record;

   overriding procedure Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Class);
   overriding procedure Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Class; Some_Parameter_2 : in String);

end My_Class_Package;
with Ada.Text_IO;

package body My_Class_Package is

   procedure Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Class) is
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Inside Procedure_1.");

   procedure Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Class; Some_Parameter_2 : in String) is
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Inside Procedure_2.");

end My_Class_Package;

I have a generic package My_Generic_Package defined in my_generic_package.ads and my_generic_package.adb. It expects a type My_Generic_Type. I want this type to accept any concrete implementation of the interface My_Interface.

with My_Interface_Package;

   type My_Generic_Type is limited new My_Interface_Package.My_Interface with private; -- The problem seems to be in this declaration.
package My_Generic_Package is

   type My_Generic_Class is record
      Element : My_Generic_Type;
   end record;

   procedure Calling_Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Generic_Class);
   procedure Calling_Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Generic_Class; Some_Parameter_2 : in String);

end My_Generic_Package;
with Ada.Text_IO;

package body My_Generic_Package is

   procedure Calling_Procedure_1 (Some_Parameter : in out My_Generic_Class) is
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Calling Procedure_1.");

   procedure Calling_Procedure_2 (Some_Parameter_1 : in out My_Generic_Class; Some_Parameter_2 : in String) is
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Calling Procedure_2.");
      Procedure_2(Some_Parameter_1, Some_Parameter_2);

end My_Generic_Package;

My main.adb:

with Ada.Text_IO;
with My_Class_Package;
with My_Generic_Package;

procedure Main is
   package My_Instanciated_Package is new My_Generic_Package(My_Generic_Type => My_Class_Package.My_Class);
   My_Object : My_Instanciated_Package.My_Generic_Class;
   My_Instanciated_Package.Calling_Procedure_2(My_Object, "some_string");
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Program terminated.");
end Main;

GNAT 12.2.0 tells me my_generic_package.ads:3:73: missing ";" (he doesn't want the 'with private' part, but even without it, also fail).

I have tried a bunch of other declaration but ultimatly (trying to inspire myself from wikibooks), all failed. Any idea of what's wrong ?

Compiling Ada library for Android (JNI)

I have written an application in Ada and I want to run it on Android (ARM devices). I have compiled a native standalone library for ARM (arm64-v8a) on a Raspberry Pi, containing the proper JNI. However, when I launch the application in Android it fails while loading the library (right on the System.loadLibrary call). Is there something theoretically wrong in proceeding this way, or should it work?

Before doing this experiment on android, I successfully loaded an Ada test library on Java using a x64 PC, so I don't think the problem is in the interface itself. I would have expected the library to be loaded without issues.

For the full code to see what I am trying to do, please, have a look at GuillermoHazebrouck/gnav on GitHub.
