
The latest stable version

Current the latest stable version is 9.0.8 (31-03-2024):

This release brings only fixed bugs for the major stable release. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below are changes since the last stable release:


The latest development version

Current the latest development release is 9.9 (14-04-2024):

This is the last development release of the 10.0 series of the game. The work on better, more friendly UI continues as in previous development versions: again, a couple of dialogs were refreshed and added more colors, several new icons added to the game and some bugs were fixed too. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below, you can find major changes since the last development release:




The repository version

The newest version of the program (the latest changes to the code):

Source code

You can also clone the repository by using this command:

fossil clone https://www.laeran.pl/repositories/steamsky steamsky.fossil

Nightly versions

Here are available nightly versions of the game. They are build automatically every day, from the newest source code. You can find them in GitHub Actions. Just select an option from the list of results to see Artifacts list. To use them, first you have to download the latest development release. Then unpack files (replace existing) to the proper location where the game is.

Size is a file's size after unpacking. You will download it compressed with Zip.


The list of changes since the last release you can find here