Weekly development report 2021-07-31

Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week.

Steam Sky

Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Ada)

Referring to the previous week post: now I know what I was missing in the stable version of the game: not working renaming for modules and crew members. ;) Ok, these are fixed now, same as showing info about the overloaded ship. This mean, in around 24 hours since this post a new, again more stable version of the game will be available to download.

In the development version, not too much visible things done in this week:


Ada binding to Tcl/Tk, the new version of TASHY

The work on Tk.Winfo package is done for now. All bindings, their documentation and unit tests are on their places. Especially work on documentation was done in this week, but also there were some changes to the bindings too. Also, I've fixed all problems reported by the AdaControl tool. Now the work started on bindings for Tk ttk::entry widget and its commands. For now only creating and configuring the widget code is ready. Work started on various commands related to the ttk::entry. And added a few unit tests for the bindings.


Graphical File Manager for Linux (written in Ada)

The work on the console version of the program (at least it's the first alpha version) is slowly ending. There left only a few things to do and let's hope in the next week, there will be finally a new release of the project. For now, in this week were done: This time I can write that the work on console version is very close to the end. Finally. :) But referring to the last week report: no new release in this week was done yet. Things which are finished this week:


Yet Another Static Site (generator) (written in Ada)

I could literally copy and paste report from the last week: fixing the problems reported by AdaControl and adding the unit tests to the project continues. The only change is that adding unit tests is almost finished. Thus, in the next week, the report here should a little different, but still very short. :)
