Weekly development report 2021-06-05

Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week.

Steam Sky

Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Ada)

In the stable version, problems with setting keyboard shortcuts were fixed, and I finally found the problem with giving items to the crew members from the player's ship cargo. It is fixed now too, thus in around 24 hours since this post a new, a bit more stable version will be available to download.

In the development version, works almost as usual. Same as in previous week, the most work were done under the hood, but some visible changes are available too:


Ada binding to Tcl/Tk, the new version of TASHY

This week the main focus was on creating bindings for Tk image photo commands. At this moment the specification of the package is done, now work started on writting the code for bindings. Also, added stubs for the unit tests for the Tk.Image.Photo package. From the other work: the experiment with debug mode for the library wasn't successful, thus the whole code related to it were removed. Package Tk.Widget got subprogram Option_Image for options which value is Positive_Float type. Window_Position record from Tk.Wm package was renamed to Point_Position and moved to the Tk.Widget package.


Graphical File Manager for Linux (written in Ada)

This week, some project organization were done, also the work on console version of the program slowly moving forward. But generally, not too much to report:


Yet Another Static Site (generator) (written in Ada)

Standard header here: work on fixing the problems reported by AdaControl slowly moves forward. Finished work related to adding author meta tag to the websites. Now documentation about it should be done too. Also, added another meta tag to the generated pages: description (tag which appears mostly in search results in search engines). It can be also set globaly for the whole website (a new setting in the global configuration file) or separately for each page. How to do it is explained in the user documentation of the project.


Tcl/Tk and TkInter theme based on Gruvbox color scheme (written in Tcl)

In this week, two other variants of theme are added: same as before, light and dark version but this time, much simpler themes, without images but based on standard Tk theme clam. For now it is end of the work on this project, unless someone has any ideas or problems with it. In that situation, feel free to contact with me. :)
