Weekly development report 2021-04-24

Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week.

Steam Sky

Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Ada)

As usual, the big release was a great success... in finding bugs. :) More seriously, definitely success and much better than the previous version. I got some nice feedback too. Thank you very much everyone. :)

And back to the report: the stable version has become a bit more stable. I squished a few bugs in this week, thus as usual, in around 24 since this post a new minor stable version will be released. And I still have a feeling that the next minor release is around the corner.

The development version report is very similar to the stable version:


Ada binding to Tcl/Tk, the new version of TASHY

The new binding, for Tk command image was added as Tk.Image package. Of course, unit tests for them are also on their place. Added binding for Tcl_Merge as Merge_List to Tcl.Lists to merge a few strings into Tcl list. And then returned to adding the binding for various Tk wm commands. Also, added some unit tests for them. Some code cleanup were done too.


Graphical File Manager for Linux (written in Ada)

As usual, a bit "lazy" week in the development, mostly the maintenance work:


Yet Another Static Site (generator) (written in Ada)

And same as with the other projects, the fun with fixing the problems reported by the AdaControl has started. This was the main activity in the project in this week. Also, fixed showing crash traceback on Windows. Plus, again, some work not directly related to the code: updated the project README.md file with information how to build it with Docker image and generally made it more friendly for English grammar. :) Also, fixed GitHub workflow for AdaControl.
