Weekly development report 2021-10-16

Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week. This time the list is almost standard.

Steam Sky

Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Ada)

And again, the new stable version released, new bugs after couple days emerged. I want to thank a few people who reported them. Now I need to start to fix them. I hope, in the next week, I should have most of them fixed. At this moment, only the in-game help updated.

In the development version, the most of the week spent on under-the-hood things (again). But, a few small visible changes are also here:


Ada binding to Tcl/Tk, the new version of TASHY

The idea about raising the SPARK mode was good... now I have a whole legion of problems to fix. :) Anyway, the whole week spent on fixing various problems in the code reported by gnatprove and AdaControl. The work on the new bindings are stopped for now. The generic versions of Tcl_Get_Result function removed and replaced by normal functions. They are simpler to use and should be also simpler to prove that they don't have too many bugs. At this moment, sparkification of the library very slowly moving forward. Around 1600 various checks are proved, still around 1000 are to fix. And then I will raise the SPARK mode to silver level for even more fun. :P And now the project is one year old. This mean it is longer in the development than the previous version of TASHY.


Graphical File Manager for Linux (written in Ada)

This week I decided to speed up the code cleanup and focused only on this task. That is result why the report from the project is very short today. Literally the whole week spent on two things:


Yet Another Static Site (generator) (written in Ada)

Almost copy and paste from the previous weeks (this time word Almost was added): fixing the problems reported by AdaControl continues. The list of rules was updated again, and again because it was reporting problems from AWS library. Unusual thing: crash introduced during playing with the AdaControl in Server package was fixed too.
