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Ada Drivers Library

Could you help me how I can build an arbitrary stm32f429-discovery example project from Ada_Drivers_Library?
I am using Ubuntu linux, installed on Ali and can create/build native projects.
I installed the gnat-arm-elf toolchain with alr.
I tried the following:
I cloned the repository, and created a library project in-place with alr in the repo directory. Then I selected gnat-arm-elf toolchain.
Then I issued this:
alr exec – ./scripts/install_dependencies.py

The process stops with the following error:

ROOT_DIR :/home/ptihanyi/adawsp/Ada_Drivers_Library
/home/ptihanyi/adawsp/Ada_Drivers_Library/bb-runtimes already cloned
Running build command:
$ /usr/bin/python3 /home/ptihanyi/adawsp/Ada_Drivers_Library/bb-runtimes/install.py --arch=arm-eabi --prefix=/home/ptihanyi/.config/alire/cache/dependencies/gnat_arm_elf_12.2.1_9be2ca0e/bin/../arm-eabi/lib/gnat
install runtime sources for stm32f4

Dependency install command error (returned 1):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ptihanyi/adawsp/Ada_Drivers_Library/bb-runtimes/./build_rts.py", line 317, in <module>
  File "/home/ptihanyi/adawsp/Ada_Drivers_Library/bb-runtimes/./build_rts.py", line 293, in main
    projects += installer.install(
  File "/home/ptihanyi/adawsp/Ada_Drivers_Library/bb-runtimes/support/bsp_sources/installer.py", line 168, in install
    runtime_sources = self._find_rts_sources(destination, rts_descriptor)
  File "/home/ptihanyi/adawsp/Ada_Drivers_Library/bb-runtimes/support/bsp_sources/installer.py", line 145, in _find_rts_sources
    assert ret is not None, "Cannot find %s" % rts_json_file
AssertionError: Cannot find rts-sources.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ptihanyi/adawsp/Ada_Drivers_Library/bb-runtimes/install.py", line 74, in <module>
  File "/home/ptihanyi/adawsp/Ada_Drivers_Library/bb-runtimes/install.py", line 70, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/subprocess.py", line 369, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/bin/python3', './build_rts.py', '--build', '--force', '--output=/home/ptihanyi/.config/alire/cache/dependencies/gnat_arm_elf_12.2.1_9be2ca0e/arm-eabi/lib/gnat', 'stm32f4', 'nucleo_f401re', 'stm32f429disco', 'stm32f469disco', 'stm32f746disco', 'stm32756geval', 'stm32f769disco', 'samg55', 'sam4s', 'samv71', 'openmv2', 'rpi2', 'feather_stm32f405', 'stm32f051r8-hsi', 'nrf52832', 'nrf52840', 'cortex-m0', 'cortex-m0p', 'cortex-m1', 'cortex-m3', 'cortex-m4', 'cortex-m4f', 'cortex-m7f', 'cortex-m7df', 'cortex-m23', 'cortex-m33f', 'cortex-m33df', 'rpi-pico', 'rpi-pico-smp']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

Many thanks!

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VSCode + GtkAda problem

After a long break I started learning Ada again…
Under Windows 10 using Alire + VSCode I tried to compile a gtkada test program.
From the command line the usual “alr build” and “alr run” works, the test program builds and runs without errors.
Under VSCode the build is started with the following command:
alr exec -- gprbuild -P gtkada_test.gpr -cargs -gnatef

The “-gnatef” option seems to cause problems when compiling misc_generated.c:

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
   [C]            misc_generated.c
cc1.exe: error: unrecognized debug output level 'natef'
gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed
ERROR: Command ["gprbuild", "-P", "gtkada_test.gpr", "-cargs", "-gnatef"] exited with code 4
ERROR: Command ["alr", "exec", "--", "gprbuild", "-P", "gtkada_test.gpr", "-cargs", "-gnatef"] exited with code 1

 *  The terminal process "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe -Command alr exec -- alr exec -- gprbuild -P gtkada_test.gpr -cargs -gnatef" terminated with exit code: 1. 
 *  Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.

Unfortunately I don’t know how to make gcc not get the “-gnatef” option when compiling misc_generated.c.
Or maybe the problem is completely different?
I haven’t gone that deep into the depths of gprbuild yet… :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance for any help!

6 posts - 3 participants

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