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gnattest: test harness is not creating for generic Ada files [closed]

While creating environment using GNAT test AUnit framework for generic test script files, I am getting below error. Test harness is not creating for the file under test, which has generic; instead of that it is creating all other unwanted test script files.

pal_api-btm-commands.ads:45:3: error: corresponding test FAILED: Test not implemented. (pal_api-btm-commands-test_data-tests.adb:44) pal_api-btm-commands.ads:55:3: error: corresponding test FAILED: Test not implemented. (pal_api-btm-commands-test_data-tests.adb:65)

Test harness file is not creating for generic "when trying to test with generic instance"

while testing generic file thruogh instance in GNAT test AUnit framework.I am getting below error. Test harness is not creating for the file under test, which has generic; instead of that it is creating all other unwanted test harness files.

    error: corresponding test FAILED: Test not implemented. 

    error: corresponding test FAILED: Test not implemented. 

Please let me know how to generate test harness file for generics which is implemented with its instance
