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Ada visitor design pattern and generics

I'm implementing a visitor pattern and I have some elements that I could implement using generics, but the GNAT compiler complains with the generic type. I have a solution using generic mix-ins but its less intuitive.

How can I solve it?

I provide the following minimal reproducibable example:

  1. visitors.ads
with ConcreteElements;
with Instantiation;

package Visitors is

  type Visitor_t is interface;

  procedure pVisit (this : in Visitor_t;
                    element : ConcreteElements.ConcreteElement_t) is abstract;

  procedure pVisit (this : in Visitor_t;
                    element : Instantiation.GenericElement_t) is abstract;

end Visitors;
  1. elements.ads
limited with Visitors;

package Elements is

  type Element_t is abstract tagged null record;

  procedure pAccept
    (this : in Element_t;
     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class) is abstract;

end Elements;
  1. concreteelements.ads/adb
limited with Visitors;
with Elements;

package ConcreteElements is

  type ConcreteElement_t is new Elements.Element_t with null record;

  procedure pAccept
    (this : in ConcreteElement_t;
     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class);

end ConcreteElements;
with Visitors;

package body ConcreteElements is

  procedure pAccept
    (this : in ConcreteElement_t;
     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class) is
  end pAccept;

end ConcreteElements;
  1. genericelements.ads/adb
with Elements;
limited with Visitors;

  type Parent_t (<>) is abstract new Elements.Element_t with private;
package GenericElements is

  type GenericElement_t is new Parent_t with null record;

  procedure pAccept (this : in GenericElement_t;
                     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class);

end GenericElements;
with Visitors;

package body GenericElements is

  procedure pAccept (this : in GenericElement_t;
                     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class) is
  end pAccept;

end GenericElements;
  1. instantiation.ads
with GenericElements;
with Elements;

package instantiation is new GenericElements
  (Parent_t => Elements.Element_t);

The compiler complains in the body of 4), at line 9:

expected type "instantiation.GenericELement_t" defined at genericelements.ads:8

found type "GenericElements.GenericElement_t" defined at genericelements.ads:8

My solution is to perform a mix-in, making GenericElement_t abstract, thus this would be 1), 4) and 5):


with ConcreteElements;
with Instantiation;

package Visitors is

  type Visitor_t is interface;

  procedure pVisit (this : in Visitor_t;
                    element : ConcreteElements.ConcreteElement_t) is abstract;

  procedure pVisit (this : in Visitor_t;
                    element : Instantiation.Instantiation_t) is abstract;

end Visitors;
with Elements;

  type Parent_t (<>) is abstract new Elements.Element_t with private;
package GenericElements is

  type GenericElement_t is abstract new Parent_t with null record;

end GenericElements;
private with GenericElements;
limited with Visitors;
with Elements;

package instantiation is 

  type Instantiation_t is new Elements.Element_t with private;

  procedure pAccept (this : in Instantiation_t;
                     visitor : Visitors.Visitor_t'Class);


  package instantiation_pck is new GenericElements 
    (Parent_t => Elements.Element_t);

  type Instantiation_t is new instantiation_pck.GenericElement_t with null record;

end instantiation;
with Visitors;

package body instantiation is

  procedure pAccept (this : in Instantiation_t;
                     visitor : Visitors.Visitor_t'Class) is
  end pAccept;

end instantiation;

Can I implement correctly the first option or I shall implement it using mix-ins?

Thank you in advance and sorry for the ammount of code.

Can I instantiate a generic within the same unit in Ada?

It doesn't seem like this is possible, but I haven't seen a definitive answer. What I want to do is define a generic subprogram with some generic formal parameters and instantiate it in the same package, like the following simplified and untested example:

    Proc_Address : access System.Address;
    type Param_1_Type (<>) is private;
procedure Procedure_IP(Param_1 : Param_1_Type);

Instance_1_Address : System.Address := ...
procedure Instance_1 is new Procedure_IP(Instance_1_Address, type_1);
Instance_2_Address : System.Address := ...
procedure Instance_2 is new Procedure_IP(Instance_2_Address, type_2);

But this kind of thing keeps resulting in those "access before elaboration" errors. I can't seem to find any pragmas that will affect elaboration of a single subprogram; seems it has to be the whole package. Attempts to move the generic subprogram into a separate package have proven more troublesome than I had hoped because the specific stuff I want the function to do is closely related to other things happening in the same package.

Is there any way to resolve the elaboration order issue, so that I can keep the declaration and instantiations in the same package?

Option B is to rework this in a different way, like maybe passing a function pointer to a non-generic function or something, but doing it as a generic seems to be the cleanest way to go about it, especially since I'll need to refer to each of the intended instances a lot.
