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When i use VoiceOver of Mac to navigate through the website, focus is remaining at a button and its being there until another button is encountered

When I use VoiceOver of Mac to navigate the website using the keyboard command (cmd+shift+left/right arrows), the focus remains on a button. It is there until another button is encountered. The issue is only in Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. The above-mentioned scenario is working well for Safari and Firefox browsers. When a button gets the focus and VoiceOver moves to other text elements, due to the focus of the button, the voiceover is again navigating back to the focused button and iterating through the elements that are already read.

I tried "focusin","focusout" event listeners to set aria-hidden / tabIndex values accordingly. I also tried setting the focus of elements using CSS, making box-shadow:none, outline:none, but that just makes the focus not visible.
