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[Charity] Advent of Ada/SPARK 2023 Submissions

Hello here,

Today AdaCore announced a second edition of the Advent of Ada/SPARK charity event. For each person completing one of the Advent of Code challenges using the Ada programming language, AdaCore will donate $10 to the Ada Developers Academy, up to a total of $5,000. And for those willing to go an extra mile, AdaCore will donate $20 if the solution is implemented in SPARK with at least proof of absence of run-time errors (a.k.a. Silver level).

To submit your solutions, reply to this post with a line of the following format:
[<pseudonym>][<day>][<Ada or SPARK>]<link to solution source code>

For instance, if I solve the 3rd day problem using Ada:
[Fabien-Chouteau][3][Ada] https://github.com/Fabien-Chouteau/advent-of-ada/ …

And the 5th day using SPARK:
[Fabien-Chouteau][5][SPARK] https://github.com/Fabien-Choutea/advent-of-ada/ …

Happy hacking!

100 posts - 15 participants

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2023 Crate of the Year Awards!

Hello here, AdaCore just announced the 3rd edition of the Crate of the Year Awards.

This time there is no need to register, winning crates will be selected from all the crates in the Alire ecosystem.

I am opening this thread as a place for everyone to discuss which crate they think would be a good candidate or even promote their crate.

Have fun and happy hacking!

7 posts - 4 participants

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GNAT FSF 13 available in Alire [preview]

Hi all,

We finally have GNAT FSF 13 builds available in Alire, in a separate branch for now. To try it, add an index like so:

alr index "--add=git+https://github.com/alire-project/alire-index#gnat-fsf-13.1.0" --name=gnat_fsf_13 --before=community

Apologies for the delay, this release was particularly difficult to build for no good reasons (GitHub CI, time available, etc.). Also note that the compilers hosted on macOS x86_64 are missing, I will try to make them available ASAP.

1 post - 1 participant

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Our Contribution to the Ada Logo Discussion (blog.adacore.com)

AdaCore is releasing the Ada Horizon logo in the public domain:


There’s also a small website to make your own version: ada-logo-editor | Static website that provides easy customization of the Ada horizon logo

20 posts - 9 participants

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