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Does Initialize_Scalars require a Full runtime or does light need s-scaval.ads?

When I add
pragma Initialize_Scalars

To my local configuration pragmas on a light runtime.

I get

hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available

The complete output follows.

gprbuild --target=arm-eabi -d -P/mnt/crypt/elansys/code/Ada/stm32l4r9_hal/stm32l4r9_hal.gpr -XMODE=Compile -XADAFLAGS= -g -j12 -gnat2022 -largs -Wl,-Map=map.txt
[Ada] stm32_svd-spi.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-swpmi.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-rcc.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-lcd.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-fpu.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-opamp.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-dma.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-octospim.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-rtc.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-syscfg.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-octospi.ads
[Ada] stm32_svd-crc.ads
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available
hal.ads:164:04: error: construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode
hal.ads:164:04: error: file s-scaval.ads not found
hal.ads:164:04: error: entity “System.Scalar_Values.Is_Isf” not available

compilation of stm32_svd-crc.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-octospi.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-syscfg.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-rtc.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-octospim.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-dma.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-opamp.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-fpu.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-lcd.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-rcc.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-swpmi.ads failed
compilation of stm32_svd-spi.ads failed

gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed
[2023-01-16 14:11:59] process exited with status 4, 23% (27/113), elapsed time: 00.31s

7 posts - 3 participants

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Gnat arm elf 12.2.1 (alire) undefined reference to strlen

Merry xmas all.

I simplified my Last Chance Handler by using


The compiler output undefined reference to ‘strlen’


I could go back to my manual string null termination finding function. Or should I look into Gnat. Could someone point me to the right place to report and or submit a patch (is it gerrit that GCC uses or something)?

7 posts - 3 participants

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