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Move many libraries and bindings to relavant sections

Move many libraries and bindings to relavant sections

Removed duplicates:

- opengl-ada
- ada-nanovg
- ada-base
- ada-net-framework

Added new projects:

- dcf-ada
- weechat-ada
- weechat-canberra
- weechat-emoji

Renamed some sections:

- "Networking" to "Networking and Communication Middlware"
- "Multimedia" splitted to "Computer Graphics", "General Purpose Computing",
  and "Sound"
- "Encryption, hashing, encoding" to "Cryptography"

Created new sections:

- Terminal User Interface
- Compression
- Chatting and Communication
- Robotics
- Linux and POSIX
- Windows and .NET

Move `ada-toml` to the "Format Readers and Writers" section

Move `ada-toml` to the "Format Readers and Writers" section

Assuming that the "Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters
and Prettyprinters" section is about programming languages, the "Format
Readers and Writers" section is better suited for `ada-toml`, as TOML is
a file format to represent structured data (not code), like INI.