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How to fix the following procedures so that the parameters act as in out mode parameters?

Please solve this in ADA:

        --initialize first array (My_Array) with random binary values
    procedure Init_Array (Arr : BINARY_ARRAY) is
        package Random_Bit is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (BINARY_NUMBER);
        use Random_Bit;
        G : Generator;
        Reset (G);
        for Index in 1..16 loop
            Arr(Index) := Random(G); 
        end loop;
    end Init_Array;

        --reverse binary array
    procedure Reverse_Bin_Arr (Arr : BINARY_ARRAY) is
        hold : BINARY_ARRAY := Arr;
        for Index in 1..16 loop
            Arr(15 - Index) := hold(Index);
        end loop;
    end Reverse_Bin_Arr;

   --initialize first array (My_Array) with random binary values
   procedure Init_Array (Arr: in out BINARY_ARRAY);

   --reverse binary array
   procedure Reverse_Bin_Arr (Arr : in out BINARY_ARRAY);

I believe my above procedures are correct. I just keep getting the following error: assgn.adb:7:15: not fully conformant with declaration at assgn.ads:7
assgn.adb:7:15: mode of "Arr" does not match
assgn.adb:19:15: not fully conformant with declaration at assgn.ads:10
assgn.adb:19:15: mode of "Arr" does not match
gnatmake: "assgn.adb" compilation error

The first procedure should initialize a random array that houses each bit of a binary number. Example: [1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0]

The second procedure should reverse the bits in the binary array.
