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Before yesterdayNews from the Ada programming language world

How to incorporate proof aspects into the specification so that every function and procedure has a Post aspect and, if required, a Pre aspect

How to incorporate proof aspects into the specification so that every function and procedure has a Post aspect and, if required, a Pre aspect that outlines the proper behaviour of the code below:

package Stack with SPARK_Mode is
pragma Elaborate_Body;

   Stack_Size : constant := 100;
   type Pointer_Range is range 0 .. Stack_Size;
   subtype Index_Range is Pointer_Range range 1 .. Stack_Size;
   type Vector is array(Index_Range) of Integer;

   S: Vector;
   Pointer: Pointer_Range;

   function isEmpty return Boolean;
   procedure Push(X : in Integer)
       Global => (In_out => (S, Pointer)),
       Depends => (S => (S, Pointer, X),
                   Pointer => Pointer);

   procedure Pop(X : out Integer)
       Global => (input => S, in_out => Pointer),
       Depends => (Pointer => Pointer,
                   X => (S, Pointer));

end Stack;

AUnit - Usefullness of the `Test_Caller` package

There seem to be two different ways to do the same thing when using the AUnit library:

Using the AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case type, creating some function tests, then register each tests with the AUnit.Test_Cases.Register_Tests function. We can then add this Test_Case to a Suite using the function AUnit.Test_Suites.Add_Test.

There some example of this:

(Surprisingly, there no examples using this way in the AUnit repository.)

The other way is to use the AUnit.Test_Fixtures.Test_Fixture type, creating some function tests. These tests can then be added to a Suite using the generic package AUnit.Test_Caller with the functions AUnit.Test_Suites.Add_Test and AUnit.Test_Caller.Create.

I can see way of using Test_Caller in:

The only difference I can see is that, when using the AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case, you can override the Set_Up_Case, Set_Up, Tear_Down and Tear_Down_Case functions. While with the AUnit.Test_Fixtures.Test_Fixture you can only override the Set_Up and Tear_Down functions (because the tests are not group under a Test_Case).

Appart from that, I don't really see much difference.

So, what is the use of the AUnit.Test_Fixtures.Test_Fixture type with the generic package AUnit.Test_Caller ? Why would use this over the (simpler ?) AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case type ?

Every example I have seen in one format can be transformed into the other (the Set_Up_Case and Tear_Down_Case set appart). Could give an example which use one but cannot be done by the other ?
