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How would I define the __m256i data type in Ada?

I am trying to write a library for AVX2 in Ada 2012 using the GNAT GCC compiler. I have currently defined a data type Vec_256_Integer_32 like so:

type Vector_256_Integer_32 is array (0 .. 7) of Integer_32;
pragma Pack(Vec_256_Integer_32);

Note that I have aligned the array according to the 32 byte boundary indicated in Intel's documentation of the _mm256_load_si256 intrinsic function from immintrin.h.

I would like to implement an operation that adds two of these arrays together using AVX2. The function prototype is as follows.

function Vector_256_Integer_32_Add (Left, Right : Vector_256_Integer_32) return Vector_256_Integer_32

My idea for implementing this function is to do this in three steps.

  1. Load a and b using _mm256_load_si256 into a local variable.
  2. Perform the addition operation using _mm256_add_epi32.
  3. Convert the result back into the Vec_256_Unsigned_32 type using _mm256_store_si256.

Where I am confused is how I would create the __m256i data type in Ada to hold the intermediate results. Can someone please shed some light on this? Additionally, if you see any issues with my approach, any feedback is appreciated.

I have found the definition of __m256i in GCC (located at gcc/gcc/config/i386/avxintrin.h).

typedef long long __m256i __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (32), __may_alias__));

However, here is where I am stuck as I am not sure how I would transfer this to Ada code. I have found that the __vector_size__ attribute is documented here.
