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Recursion โ€“ Compound Interest (in Ada)

By: spqr
6 March 2023 at 15:28

It might seem odd to think of a compound interest as a problem which could be solved by recursion, but it does make sense. The algorithm for calculating compound interest is of course very simple:

interest = current_balance ร— interest_rate
new_balance = current_balance + interest
current_balance = new_balance

Of course this calculation is done numerous times depending on how many times the interest is to be compounded. If we were to write a simple function in Ada it would look like this:

with text_io; use text_io;
with ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with ada.Float_Text_IO; use Ada.Float_Text_IO;

procedure compound is
   newBal, currBal, intRate, monRate : float;
   numMon : natural;

   function compound_interest(bal: float; intr: float; n: natural) return float is
      interest: float;
      newbal: float := bal;
      for i in 1..n loop
         interest := newbal * intr;
         newbal := newbal + interest;
      end loop;
      return newbal;
   end compound_interest;

   put("Balance ($)? "); new_line;
   get(currBal); skip_line;
   put("Interest rate (e.g. 5.3)? "); new_line;
   get(intRate); skip_line;
   put("Number of months (1-12)? "); new_line;
   get(numMon); skip_line;

   monRate := intRate / 100.0 / 12.0;
   newBal := compound_interest(currBal,monrate,numMon);
   put("The new balance is $");
   put(newBal, 1, 2, 0);
end compound;

Here is the program running:

Balance ($)?
Interest rate (e.g. 5.3)?
Number of months (1-12)?
The new balance is $1051.16

This nonrecursive procedure is fine, but we can also solve it recursively. If we say that the balance, b, after 0 months is the amount of the original deposit, d, and the interest rate is r, then we can write:

At month 0: b(0) = d
At month 1 : b(1) = b(0) + b(0) * r
At month 2 : b(2) = b(1) + b(1) * r

Then we can form a recursive definition of the form:

b(m) = b(m-1) + b(m-1) * r

Therefore we can use this to create a recursive function:

b(0) = d
b(m) = b(m-1) + b(m-1) * r

Here is a recursive version of the function compound_interest().

function compound_interestR(bal: float; intr: float; n: natural) return float is
   newbal: float;
   if n = 0 then
      return bal;
   elsif n = 1 then      
      return bal + bal * intr;
      newbal := compound_interestR(bal,intr,n-1);
      return newbal + newbal * intr;
   end if;
end compound_interestR;
