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Before yesterdayAda – The Craft of Coding

The problem with Ο€ (iv) – Fortran to Ada

By: spqr
18 January 2023 at 16:03

The Fortran program can also be translated to Ada. Below is the Ada program. It contains some code to output the resulting value of pi to the text file piCalc1000ADA.txt. In this code a is a β€œdynamic” array of integers, which is allocated using a declare block. In reality a is just of type pia, declared at a later point in the program.

with ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with ada.strings.unbounded; use ada.strings.unbounded;
with ada.strings.unbounded.Text_IO; use ada.strings.unbounded.Text_IO;

procedure piSpigotDYN is

    n, len : integer;
    q, x, nines, predigit : integer;
    type pia is array(integer range <>) of integer;
    infp : file_type;

    n := 1000;
    len := 10 * n / 3;

       a : pia(1..len);

    a := (1..len => 2);
    nines := 0;
    predigit := 0;

    for j in 1..n loop
       q := 0;
       for i in reverse 1..len loop
          x := 10 * a(i) + q * i;
          a(i) := x mod (2*i-1);
          q := x / (2*i-1);
       end loop;
       a(1) := q mod 10;
       q := q / 10;
       if q = 9 then
          nines := nines + 1;
       elsif q = 10 then
          for k in 1..nines loop
          end loop;
          predigit := 0;
          nines := 0;
          predigit := q;
          if nines /= 0 then
             for k in 1..nines loop
                nines := 0;
             end loop;
          end if;
       end if;
    end loop;

end piSpigotDYN;

The problem with Ο€ (iii) – Pascal to Fortran

By: spqr
13 January 2023 at 15:31

A while back I posted on the Spigot algorithm in Pascal (and C) for calculating the first 1000 decimal places of Ο€. Now converting it to Fortran is quite easy.

program piSpigot

   integer :: n, len
   integer :: i, j, k, q, x, nines, predigit
   integer, dimension(3500) :: a

   n = 1000
   len = (10 * n) / 3

   a = 2
   nines = 0
   predigit = 0
   999 format(I1)

   do j = 1,n
      q = 0
      do i = len,1,-1
         x = 10 * a(i) + q * i
         a(i) = mod(x,2*i-1)
         q = x / (2*i-1)
      end do
      a(1) = mod(q,10)
      q = q / 10
      if (q == 9) then
         nines = nines + 1
      elseif (q == 10) then
         write(*,999,advance='no') predigit+1
         do k = 1, nines
            write(*,999,advance='no') 0
         end do
         predigit = 0
         nines = 0
         write(*,999,advance='no') predigit
         predigit = q
         if (nines /= 0) then
            do k = 1,nines
               write(*,999,advance='no') 9
               nines = 0
            end do
         end if
      end if
   end do
   write(*,999,advance='no') predigit

end program piSpigot

This algorithm is good, but it could be improved upon by making the array dynamic. All that really involves is reworking some code at the top of the program. In the snippet of code below, the array a is made allocatable (Line 5), I/O is added to prompt for the number of decimal points required to be calculated, and then on Line 11 the space for a is allocated. At the end of the program, the memory is deallocated.

program piSpigot

   integer :: n, len
   integer :: i, j, k, q, x, nines, predigit
   integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: a

   write(*,*) 'Number of decimal points? '
   read(*,*) n
   len = (10 * n) / 3

end program piSpigot
