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Input masks in Ada

-- Date: 11/06/2022

with Ada.Text_IO; Use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Masques is
    type XX is record
       X1 : character range 'A'..'D';
       X2 : character range 'E'..'H';
       X3 : character range 'I'..'L';
    end record;


    Get_Line (XX);

end Masques;

I'm trying to write some sort of input masks to control the inputs as we do in IT. Of course the above example doesn't compile because Get_Line can't accept a record. Of course we can write an operation to put the characters together to create a string, thru a get or get_immediate.

-But the idea would be to use the language typing to control the input & to trap the errors by an exception by example.

-Some years ago, to the best of my recollection, i remember someone did this, but I'm unable to write it.. Thanks for the help.

Bug in GNAT Get(FRom => SomeString, Item => SomeInteger, Last => Last)?

Get(TheFile, IntValue); works great with strings formatted like 16#12# to read hex values. Shouldn't Get from a string function the same way?

I tried this, but passing 16#12# only yields 16. Pure hex, eg F8 results in an exception

with Ada.Text_IO;         use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

procedure hex is
   IntValue  : Integer;
   Last : Positive;
   Put("Enter a hexadecimal string: ");

   -- Convert the hexadecimal string to an integer
   Get(From => HexString, Item => IntValue, Last => Last);

   Put ("The integer value is: ");
   Put (IntValue, Width => 0);
end hex;
