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macOS Sonoma GtkAda installed, but Gnat Studio and others do not see it

I have Macs with macOS Sonoma and I have successfully compiled and installed GtkAda from source that I got from AdaCore, with no errors. It's installed at /usr/local/lib/gnat and /usr/local/lib/gtkada, but nothing sees it. I use Gnat Studio and of course it complains about not finding "gtkada" compiling from the command line has the same issue. I have not updated the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and related because I don't know how if that's the issue. This works on Linux and Windows very easily, but I'm not sure what else to do at this point. I have listed my Macs with Sonoma, but I've actually never had it work with Ventura either, so I don't think that has anything to do with it. I know I'm missing something, and probably something simple.

Gtkada widget from scratch

I don’t have a lot of hope for this but anyway.

I need to create a widget to select a range (like a scale widget but with two cursors, one for the lower bound and another for the upper bound). This needs to be built "from scratch". According to the Gtkada documentation, I just have to take a look at the gtkdial example (gtkdial seems to be the classic example for gtk to build widget from scratch).

The example is clearly out of date, a lot of functions, packages and events don’t exist anymore.

For example Gtk.Widget.Realize_Handling is gone (instead we have on_Realize I think), the function Get_Count doesn’t exist as the event "size_request"… I tried to do it on my own by reading and understanding the source code, but I’ m still a beginner with GTK.

Do you know if an up-to-date version of this example exists?

How to handle a GTK.CELL_RENDERER_TOGGLE into a GTK.TREE_STORE to activate/desactivate each row independiently

I have a TREE_MODEL in GTK. One of the columns is a GTK.CELL_RENDERER_TOGGLE to determine which rows are selected. I've tried to configure a Callback to activate/desactivate each toggle independiently but i have only achieved a callback that activate/desactivate the whole column. Is it possible?



V_NUM :=
           (TREE_VIEW => V_TREE,
            COLUMN    => V_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN);


        VALUE  => TRUE);

         CELL        => V_TOGGLE_RENDER,
         EXPAND      => V_EXPAND);

        NAME      => "toogled",
        USER_DATA => 0);

How to retrieve colors with GtkAda?

I use Glade with GtkAda.

-I can't retrieve the color data in the associate callback (window1_callbacks.adb).

-The Gtk.Color_Chooser.Get_RGBA procedure needs Gtk_Color_Chooser type. And Gtk_Color_Chooser function returns returns GObjet, so we need to convert data from GObject type to Gtk_Color_Chooser type.

And I don' see any function doing this. Thanks Mark

    -- Glade_8.adb
    -- units from Gtk
    with Gtk.Main;
    with Glib.Error;     use Glib.Error;
    with Gtk.Widget;     use Gtk.Widget;
    with Gtk.Builder;    use Gtk.Builder;
    with Gtkada.Builder; use Gtkada.Builder;
    -- Ada predefined units
    with Ada.Text_IO;    use Ada.Text_IO;
    with Ada.Exceptions;
    -- Application specific units
    with Window1_Callbacks; use Window1_Callbacks;
    procedure Glade_8 is
      Builder       : Gtkada_Builder;
      Error         : aliased Glib.Error.GError;
      FileName      : constant String := "glade_8";
      GladeFileName : constant String := FileName & ".glade";
      use type Glib.Guint;
        -- Appelé dans toutes les applications GtkAda.
        -- Arguments ligne de commande sont analysés & retournés à l'application.
        -- Etape 1 : créer un Builder 
        --         & lui donner accès à la fenetre maitre du fichier XML.
        Gtk_New (Builder);
        if Add_From_File (Gtk_Builder(Builder), GladeFileName, Error'Access) = 0 then
          Put_Line ("Error : " & Get_Message (Error));
          Error_Free (Error);
        end if;
        Put_Line (FileName & " : loading of builder OK ");
        -- Etape 2 : créer les handlers ("poignées") des events
        --             (de façon à préparer les callback).
        Register_Handler (Builder, "on_color1_color_set",    On_Color1_Color_Set'Access);  --Ajout
        -- Etape 3 : Do_Connect connecte tous les handlers enregistrés en une fois.
        Do_Connect (Builder);
      --Put_Line ("Booleen du Switch : " & boolean'Image (On_Switch1_State_Set (Builder)));
        -- Etape 4 : Afficher la fenetre avec ses dépendances
        Show_All (Gtk_Widget (Get_Object (GTK_Builder (Builder), "window")));
        -- Etape 5 : Lancer la boucle infinie.
        -- Etape 6 : appeler Unref quand l'application se termine
        --             pour libérer la memoire associée au Builder.
        Unref (Builder);
        Put_Line ("Program " & FileName & " is finished !");
        when Error : others =>
          Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (Error));
      end Glade_8;
    -- Glade_8
    with Gtkada.Builder; use Gtkada.Builder;
    package Window1_Callbacks is
      Procedure On_Color1_Color_Set (Builder : access Gtkada_Builder_Record'Class);  -- Ajout
    end Window1_Callbacks;
    -- Glade_8
    -- units from Gtk
    with Gtk.Label;          use Gtk.Label;
    with Gtk.Check_Button;   use Gtk.Check_Button;
    with Gtk.Toggle_Button;  use Gtk.Toggle_Button;
    with Gtk.Spin_Button;    use Gtk.Spin_Button;
    with Gtk.Switch;         use Gtk.Switch;
    with Gtk.Combo_Box;      use Gtk.Combo_Box;
    with Gtk.GEntry;         use Gtk.GEntry;
    with Gtk.Color_Button;            use Gtk.Color_Button;           --Ajout
    with Gtk.Color_Chooser;           use Gtk.Color_Chooser;          --Ajout
    with Gtk.Color_Chooser_Dialog;    use Gtk.Color_Chooser_Dialog;   --Ajout
    with Gtk.Color_Chooser_Widget;    use Gtk.Color_Chooser_Widget;   --Ajout
    with Gtk.Color_Selection;         use Gtk.Color_Selection;        --Ajout
    with Gtk.Color_Selection_Dialog;  use Gtk.Color_Selection_Dialog; --Ajout
    with Gdk.RGBA;                    use Gdk.RGBA;                   --Ajout
    with Glib;              use Glib;
    with Ada.Text_IO;       use Ada.Text_IO;
    package body Window1_Callbacks  is
      -- On_Color1_Color_Set  -- AJOUT
      procedure On_Color1_Color_Set (Builder : access Gtkada_Builder_Record'Class) is
        pragma Unreferenced (Builder);
        Color : Gdk_RGBA;
    --      void on_color1_color_set(GtkColorButton *c)   // To translate from C to Ada.
    --           {
    --           GdkRGBA color;
    --           gtk_color_chooser_get_rgba (GTK_COLOR_CHOOSER(c), &color); // Récupérer la couleur
    --           printf("red %f\n", color, red);
    --           printf("green %f\n", color, green);     
    --           printf("blue %f\n", color, blue);    
    --           printf("alpha %f\n", color, alpha);    
    --           }
    --  window1_callbacks.adb:189:35: error: "GObject_To_Gtk_Color_Chooser" is undefined
          Gtk.Color_Chooser.Get_RGBA (
                                                          (Gtk_Color_Chooser (Get_Object (Builder, "color1"))),
    --      put_line ("Red : ",   Float'Image (Color.Red));
    --      put_line ("Green : ", Float'Image (Color.Green));     
    --      put_line ("Blue : ",  Float'Image (Color.Blue));    
    --      put_line ("Alpha : ", Float'Image (Color.Alpha));   
        end On_Color1_Color_Set;
    end Window1_Callbacks;

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Generated with glade 3.40.0 -->
      <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.24"/>
      <object class="GtkAdjustment" id="adjustment1">
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      <object class="GtkListStore" id="liststore1">
          <!-- column-name Col_1 -->
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            <col id="0">Ligne-1</col>
            <col id="0">bbb</col>
            <col id="0">dddd</col>
            <col id="0">eeeeeeee</col>
            <col id="0">ligne-5</col>
            <col id="0">ligne-6</col>
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        <property name="border-width">0</property>
        <property name="window-position">center</property>
        <property name="gravity">center</property>
          <object class="GtkFixed" id="fixed1">
            <property name="name">fixed1</property>
            <property name="visible">True</property>
            <property name="can-focus">False</property>
              <object class="GtkButton" id="button1">
                <property name="name">button1</property>
                <property name="width-request">100</property>
                <property name="height-request">80</property>
                <property name="visible">True</property>
                <property name="can-focus">True</property>
                <property name="receives-default">True</property>
                <property name="tooltip-text" translatable="yes"> Click Me!</property>
                <property name="always-show-image">True</property>
                <signal name="clicked" handler="on_button1_clicked" swapped="no"/>
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                    <property name="visible">True</property>
                    <property name="can-focus">False</property>
                    <property name="stock">gtk-harddisk</property>
                    <property name="icon_size">6</property>
                <property name="x">36</property>
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                <property name="visible">True</property>
                <property name="can-focus">False</property>
                <property name="tooltip-text" translatable="yes">I am a label hiding here.</property>
                <property name="label" translatable="yes">label</property>
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                <property name="x">150</property>
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                <property name="ypad">17</property>
                <property name="label" translatable="yes">label2</property>
                <property name="xalign">0.5</property>
                <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
                <property name="x">150</property>
                <property name="y">220</property>
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                <property name="label" translatable="yes">radio button 1</property>
                <property name="width-request">100</property>
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                <property name="visible">True</property>
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                <property name="receives-default">False</property>
                <property name="halign">start</property>
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                <property name="draw-indicator">True</property>
                <signal name="toggled" handler="on_radio1_toggled" swapped="no"/>
                <property name="x">190</property>
                <property name="y">30</property>
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                <property name="receives-default">False</property>
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                <property name="draw-indicator">True</property>
                <property name="group">radio1</property>
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                <property name="x">190</property>
                <property name="y">60</property>
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                <property name="visible">True</property>
                <property name="can-focus">True</property>
                <property name="receives-default">True</property>
                <signal name="toggled" handler="on_toggle1_toggled" swapped="no"/>
                <property name="x">25</property>
                <property name="y">174</property>
              <object class="GtkSpinButton" id="spin1">
                <property name="width-request">118</property>
                <property name="height-request">34</property>
                <property name="visible">True</property>
                <property name="can-focus">True</property>
                <property name="max-width-chars">2</property>
                <property name="adjustment">adjustment1</property>
                <property name="wrap">True</property>
                <signal name="value-changed" handler="on_spin1_value_changed" swapped="no"/>
                <property name="x">25</property>
                <property name="y">218</property>
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                <property name="name">switch</property>
                <property name="width-request">100</property>
                <property name="height-request">35</property>
                <property name="visible">True</property>
                <property name="can-focus">True</property>
                <property name="active">True</property>
                <signal name="state-set" handler="on_switch1_state_set" swapped="no"/>
                <property name="x">27</property>
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                <property name="can-focus">False</property>
                <property name="model">liststore1</property>
                <property name="active">0</property>
                <property name="has-entry">True</property>
                <property name="entry-text-column">0</property>
                <property name="id-column">0</property>
                <property name="active-id">0</property>
                <signal name="changed" handler="on_combo1_changed" swapped="no"/>
                <child internal-child="entry">
                  <object class="GtkEntry" id="entry1">
                    <property name="can-focus">False</property>
                    <signal name="changed" handler="on_gentry1_changed" swapped="no"/>
                <property name="x">38</property>
                <property name="y">357</property>
              <object class="GtkColorButton" id="color1">
                <property name="width-request">100</property>
                <property name="height-request">33</property>
                <property name="visible">True</property>
                <property name="can-focus">True</property>
                <property name="receives-default">True</property>
                <signal name="color-set" handler="on_color1_color_set" swapped="no"/>
                <property name="x">298</property>
                <property name="y">303</property>


How to retrieve the identifier of a Label?

i'm trying to progress in GtkAda using Glade 3.40 which seems cool. I much like thie idea to let the engine of Gtk works for the coder, thru GkAda, & let the coder to concentrate on real added value. -So i tried some examples on internet. The following one compiles & is partially OK. We may see the window with the title, but there is no print of the text in the window. Probably because "lbl" doesn't content the good value to address the window. -But i don't know how to initialize it. I made many trials without success.. Is anyone could help, please? Thanks Mark

With Gtk.Main;      Use Gtk.Main;
With Gtk.Window;    Use Gtk.Window;
With Gtk.Label;     Use Gtk.Label;
With Glib.Convert;  Use Glib.Convert;
With Gtk.Enums;     Use Gtk.Enums;

    Procedure Texte is
       Win     : Gtk_Window;
       Lbl     : Gtk_Label ;
       newline : constant character := character'val(10) ;
       Txt : CONSTANT String := Locale_To_Utf8
                     ("Ça c'est une chaîne de" & Newline &
                      "caractères encodée en UTF-8" & Newline & 
                      "grâce à Locale_To_UTF8") ; 
       Init ;
       Gtk_New (Win) ;
       Win.Set_Default_Size (100,100) ;
       win.set_title ("Du texte !") ;
       Gtk_New (Lbl,txt);
       Lbl.Set_Justify (Justify_center);
       win.add (lbl);     -- No layout
       Win.show_all ;
       Main ;

    end Texte ;