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Before yesterdayNews from the Ada programming language world

No language defined for the project: Ada GNAT GPS

I've been having this issue where I've installed the GNAT (x86 windows 2017) on my other machine, and I suddenly have these errors, Error: no native compiler found for language 'ada', default runtime and no languages defined for this project. All of this is under the .gpr file of my project. This never happened to me on the other PC.

Trying to use GPS for Ada and keep having problems trying to compile and run the code

I am currently trying to run a program in GPS and this is my first time trying to use Ada and don't quite understand some things to it. I have some code that was told was supposed to run but can't seem to get it running. When I try to compile it or run the code, I keep getting an error message: "end of file expected. file can only be one compilation unit." I also included a photo to help show the problem. I'd appreciate any tips or hints on how to solve this please!

enter image description here

Error setting the video mode when trying to run the compiled Game_Support example; GNAT Studio;

Trying to compile example /opt/gnatstudio/share/examples/training/games/bouncing/bouncing.gpr

There are no problems when compiling, but when running -

Error setting the video mode
raised STORAGE_ERROR : s-intman.adb:136 explicit raise

Code sample, which I used (it had been moved to another folder, because it does not want to compile in /opt/ - no rights).

with Display; use Display;
with Display.Basic; use Display.Basic;
with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics;
with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random; use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;

procedure Bouncing is
Seed : Generator;
Buffer_Size : constant := 1_200;

package F_Numeri is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions (Float);
use F_Numeri;

Base_Immunity : constant := 500;

type Ball is record
X, Y     : Float := 0.0;
Dx, Dy   : Float := 0.0;
Size     : Float := 0.0;
Mass     : Float := 1.0;
S        : Shape_Id := Null_Shape_Id;
Immunity : Integer := Base_Immunity;
end record
with Dynamic_Predicate => Ball.Mass > 0.0;

type Shape_Array_Type is array (Integer range <>) of Shape_Id;
type Ball_Array_Type is array (Integer range <>) of Ball;

Null_Ball : constant Ball := Ball'(X      => 0.0,
Y      => 0.0,
Dx     => 0.0,
Dy     => 0.0,
Size   => 0.0,
Mass   => 1.0,
S      => Null_Shape_Id,
Immunity => Base_Immunity);
Total_Ball : Integer := 0;

function Speed (B : Ball) return Float is
     (Sqrt (B.Dx * B.Dx + B.Dy * B.Dy));

function Cynetic_Energy (B : Ball) return Float is
     (1.0 / 2.0 * B.Mass * Speed (B) * Speed (B));

function Speed (Cy : Float; Mass : Float) return Float is
     (Sqrt (Cy * 2.0 / Mass));

procedure Create_Ball
     (X : Float; Y : Float; Mass : Float; Velocity : Float; Balls : in out Ball_Array_Type; J : Integer);

type Int_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Integer range 0 .. Buffer_Size;
type Bool_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Boolean;

protected Collision_Manager is
procedure Reset;
procedure Set_Collision (J, K : Integer);
procedure Keep_Immunity (J : Integer);
function Collision_With (J : Integer) return Integer;
function Should_Keep_Immunity (J : Integer) return Boolean;
Collision_Vector : Int_Array (1 .. Buffer_Size);
Immunity_Vector : Bool_Array (1 .. Buffer_Size);
end Collision_Manager;

protected body Collision_Manager is
procedure Reset is
Collision_Vector := (others => 0);
Immunity_Vector := (others => False);
end Reset;

procedure Set_Collision (J, K : Integer) is
Collision_Vector (J) := K;
end Set_Collision;

procedure Keep_Immunity (J : Integer) is
Immunity_Vector (J) := True;
end Keep_Immunity;

function Collision_With (J : Integer) return Integer is
return Collision_Vector (J);
end Collision_With;

function Should_Keep_Immunity (J : Integer) return Boolean is
return Immunity_Vector (J);
end Should_Keep_Immunity;

end Collision_Manager;

procedure Create_Graphic (B : in out Ball) is
B.S := New_Circle
        (B.X, B.Y, B.Size,
         (if B.Size > 15.0 then Blue
elsif B.Size > 10.0 then Green
elsif B.Size > 5.0 then Yellow
elsif B.Size > 2.0 then Magenta
else Red));
end Create_Graphic;

function Collision (B1, B2 : Ball) return Boolean is
Dx, Dy : Float;
Size : Float;
if B1 = Null_Ball or else B2 = Null_Ball then
return False;
end if;

Dx := B1.X - B2.X;
Dy := B1.Y - B2.Y;
Size := B1.Size + B2.Size;

return Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy <= Size * Size;
end Collision;

procedure Bounce (B1, B2 : in out Ball) is
Dx : Float;
Dy : Float;
Length : Float;
Dvx : Float;
Dvy : Float;
Impulse : Float;
Dx := B1.X - B2.X;
Dy := B1.Y - B2.Y;
Length := Sqrt (Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy);

if Length /= 0.0 then
Dx := Dx / Length;
Dy := Dy / Length;
Dvx := B1.Dx - B2.Dx;
Dvy := B1.Dy - B2.Dy;
Impulse := -2.0 *  (Dx * Dvx + Dy * Dvy);
Impulse := Impulse / (1.0 / B1.Mass + 1.0 / B2.Mass);

B1.Dx := B1.Dx + Dx * (Impulse / B1.Mass);
B1.Dy := B1.Dy + Dy * (Impulse / B1.Mass);

B2.Dx := B2.Dx - Dx * (Impulse / B2.Mass);
B2.Dy := B2.Dy - Dy * (Impulse / B2.Mass);
end if;
end Bounce;

procedure Explode (Balls : in out Ball_Array_Type; Index : Integer) is
B : Ball := Balls (Index);
V : Float;
Cy : Float;
Sub_Particles : Integer;
Sub_Particles := Integer (Log (X => B.Mass, Base => 2.0) + 1.0);

Total_Ball := Total_Ball - 1;
V := Sqrt (B.Dx * B.Dx + B.Dy * B.Dy);
Cy := 1.0 / 2.0 * B.Mass * V * V;

Delete (Balls (Index).S);
Balls (Index) := Null_Ball;

for J in 1 .. Sub_Particles loop
for K in Balls'Range loop
if Balls (K) = Null_Ball then
                 (X       => B.X + Random (Seed) * B.Size - B.Size / 2.0,
Y       => B.Y + Random (Seed) * B.Size - B.Size / 2.0,
Mass     => B.Mass / Float (Sub_Particles),
Velocity => Speed
                    (Cy / Float (Sub_Particles),
B.Mass / Float (Sub_Particles)),
Balls => Balls,
J => K);

Create_Graphic (Balls (K));

end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end Explode;

procedure Combine (Balls : in out Ball_Array_Type; J, K : Integer) is
B1 : Ball := Balls (J);
B2 : Ball := Balls (K);
Cy : Float := Cynetic_Energy (B1) + Cynetic_Energy (B2);
Total_Ball := Total_Ball - 2;

Delete (Balls (K).S);
Balls (K) := Null_Ball;

Delete (Balls (J).S);

        (B1.X + (B1.X - B2.X) / 2.0,
B1.Y + (B1.Y - B2.Y) / 2.0,
B1.Mass + B2.Mass,
Speed (Cy, B1.Mass + B2.Mass),

Create_Graphic (Balls (J));
end Combine;

procedure Create_Ball
     (X : Float; Y : Float; Mass : Float;
Velocity : Float; Balls : in out Ball_Array_Type; J : Integer)
B : Ball renames Balls (J);
Angle : Float := Random (Seed) * 2.0 * Pi;
Total_Ball := Total_Ball + 1;
B.X := X;
B.Y := Y;

B.Dx := Cos (Angle) * Velocity;
B.Dy := Sin (Angle) * Velocity;

B.Mass := Mass;
B.Size := Sqrt (B.Mass);
B.Immunity := Base_Immunity;
Collision_Manager.Keep_Immunity (J);
end Create_Ball;

Lines : constant Shape_Array_Type (1 .. 4) :=
     (New_Line (-100.0, -100.0, 100.0, -100.0, Blue),
New_Line (-100.0, -100.0, -100.0, 100.0, Blue),
New_Line (100.0, 100.0, 100.0, -100.0, Blue),
New_Line (100.0, 100.0, -100.0, 100.0, Blue));

R : Float;

Balls_Txt : Shape_Id := New_Text (110.0, 90.0, "0", White);
Explode_Txt : Shape_Id := New_Text (110.0, 80.0, "0", White);
Combine_Txt : Shape_Id := New_Text (110.0, 70.0, "0", White);

Combine_Prob : Float := 0.04;
Explode_Prob : Float := 0.02;

Ball_Array : Ball_Array_Type (1 .. Buffer_Size) := (others => Null_Ball);

task type Collision_Detection (Size, Modulus, Ind : Integer) is
entry Compute;
entry Finished;
entry Stop;
end Collision_Detection;

task body Collision_Detection is
Do_Work : Boolean := True;
J : Integer;
while Do_Work loop
accept Compute;

J := Ind;

if J = 0 then
J := J + Modulus;
end if;

while J <= Size loop
if Ball_Array (J) /= Null_Ball then
for K in J + 1 .. Ball_Array'Last loop
if Collision (Ball_Array (J), Ball_Array (K)) then
if Ball_Array (J).Immunity = 0
and then Ball_Array (K).Immunity = 0
Collision_Manager.Set_Collision (J, K);
end if;

Collision_Manager.Keep_Immunity (J);
Collision_Manager.Keep_Immunity (K);
end if;
end loop;
end if;

J := J + Modulus;
end loop;

accept Finished;
accept Stop;

Do_Work := False;
end select;
end loop;
end Collision_Detection;

D1 : Collision_Detection (1200, 4, 0);
D2 : Collision_Detection (1200, 4, 1);
D3 : Collision_Detection (1200, 4, 2);
D4 : Collision_Detection (1200, 4, 3);
for J in 1 .. 20 loop
B : Ball renames Ball_Array (J);
Create_Ball (0.0, 0.0, Random (Seed) * 75.0 + 4.0, 0.5, Ball_Array, J);
Create_Graphic (B);
end loop;




for J in Ball_Array'Range loop
if Ball_Array (J) /= Null_Ball then
K : Integer;
if not Collision_Manager.Should_Keep_Immunity (J) then
Ball_Array (J).Immunity := 0;
end if;

K := Collision_Manager.Collision_With (J);

if K /= 0 and then Ball_Array (K) /= Null_Ball then
R := Random (Seed);

if R in 1.0 - Explode_Prob - Combine_Prob
1.0 - Combine_Prob
if Ball_Array (J).Mass > Ball_Array (K).Mass then
Explode (Ball_Array, J);
Explode (Ball_Array, K);
end if;
elsif R in 1.0 - Combine_Prob .. 1.0 then
Combine (Ball_Array, J, K);
Bounce (Ball_Array (J), Ball_Array (K));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;

for J in Ball_Array'Range loop
B : Ball renames Ball_Array (J);
if B /= Null_Ball then
if (B.X - B.Size < -100.0 and then B.Dx < 0.0)
or else (B.X + B.Size > 100.0 and then B.Dx > 0.0)
B.Dx := -B.Dx;
end if;

if (B.Y - B.Size< -100.0 and then B.Dy < 0.0)
or else (B.Y + B.Size> 100.0 and then B.Dy > 0.0)
B.Dy := -B.Dy;
end if;

B.X := B.X + B.Dx;
B.Y := B.Y + B.Dy;

if B.Immunity > 0 then
B.Immunity := B.Immunity - 1;
end if;

Set_X (B.S, B.X);
Set_Y (B.S, B.Y);
end if;
end loop;

Set_Text (Balls_Txt, "Balls:" & Total_Ball'Img);
Set_Text (Explode_Txt, "Explode Prob:" & Integer (Explode_Prob * 1000.0)'Img & " / 1000");
Set_Text (Combine_Txt, "Combine Prob:" & Integer (Combine_Prob * 1000.0)'Img & " / 1000");

Last_Key : Key_Type := Current_Key_Press;
if To_Character (Last_Key) = 'q' then
Explode_Prob := Explode_Prob - 0.001;
elsif To_Character (Last_Key) = 'w' then
Explode_Prob := Explode_Prob + 0.001;
elsif To_Character (Last_Key) = 'a' then
Combine_Prob := Combine_Prob - 0.001;
elsif To_Character (Last_Key) = 's' then
Combine_Prob := Combine_Prob + 0.001;
end if;

delay 0.01;
end loop;
end Bouncing;

The project file itself


with "/opt/gnatstudio/share/gpr/game_support.gpr";
with "/opt/gnatstudio/share/gpr/gnat_sdl.gpr";

project bouncing is

for Main use("bouncing.adb");

for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Source_Dirs use("src");

end Bouncing;

tually, I had been compile and run some more simple example with the same result:

with Display; use Display;
with Display.Basic; use Display.Basic;

procedure Main is
Ball : Shape_Id := New_Circle
     (X      => 0.0,
Y      => 0.0,
Radius => 10.0,
Color  => Blue);
Step : Float := 0.05;
if Get_X (Ball) > 100.0 then
Step := -0.05;
elsif Get_X (Ball) < -100.0 then
Step := 0.05;
end if;

Set_X (Ball, Get_X (Ball) + Step);

delay 0.001;
end loop;
end Main;

I had tried to recompile Game_Support, git cloned from here.

I had tried to reinstall GNAT, Gnat Studio, etc.

I CAN run and compile another simple projects, for example with TEXT_IO package, I can run Gnat Studio, but I cannot run this app. I can run analogue, wrote with C++, so the problem is not in my OpenGl 1.3 hardware support.

  • System: Arch Linux.
  • IDE: Gnat Studio. (Install from AUR).
  • Dependencies (SDL, SDL2) - installed.