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Building a runtime system for arm-eabi

AdaCore provide a compiler (running on Windows and Linux) targeted to ARM (target arm-eabi) and a runtime system (RTS) supporting the Ravenscarprofile.

The public version of the AdaCore Ravenscar RTS is released under the full GPL. It seemed as if it would be a good idea (and fun!) to produce an independent RTS with the GCC Runtime Library Exception(FAQ).


Arduino Due/Segger J-Link EDU

I’ve been porting my Cortex-based RTS to Arduino Due, using the J-Link JTAG interface (because who can make an RTS without a debugger?). I’ve probably forgotten my initial problems with ST-LINK (an equivalent interface included for free on the STM32F4 board, supported by OSS software), but it seemed a much less trying experience than with Segger.

There are two things with J-Link GDB Server: first, it seems like a bad idea to keep the server alive after a GDB session ends, so start it with -singlerun; and second, you absolutely must issue monitor reset before running your program. If you don’t you’ll end up like I did, scratching my head for three days trying to understand why I was getting a HardFault at the SVC that FreeRTOS uses to kick tasking off.

Arduino Due and the Watchdog

A watchdogis used to detect when a system has gone off with the fairies; you have to reset the watchdog timer ("pat the watchdog") every so often or it takes some recovery action. In the case of the Arduino Due, with the ATSAM3X8E MCU, the recovery action is to reset the CPU.

In the ATSAM3X8E (and probably other Atmel MCUs, too), the watchdog timeout defaults to 16 seconds, and the default hardware state is that the watchdog is enabled! (the default in the Atmel Software Framework is to disable the watchdog unless you have defined CONF_BOARD_KEEP_WATCHDOG_AT_INIT).


IO Expansion

I started checking out AdaCore's support library for STM32F4 boards, particularly to use I2C to talk to the PCF8547A IO expander (for possible use on the AdaPilot project).

I seem to have fritzed one or two of the pins on my STM32F429I-DISC0 board (now replaced by an updated version, STM32F429I-DISC1; that last character was a 0!); after some hair-pulling it turns out that one of said pins is used by the only externally-accessible I2C peripheral on the board; so, until the replacement arrives, here are some interesting facts about the PCF8547A.


The application is damaged and can't be opened

I downloaded a new version of eclipseArduino(Arduino development within Eclipse). After unpacking and moving to /Applications, I get the message

"eclipseArduino" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.


After a lot of poking around, I found this:

  1. Open Gatekeeper settings located in System Preferences > Security & Privacy.
  2. Set Allow applications downloaded from: to Anywhereand confirm by pressing Allow From Anywhere.
  3. Run the application.
  4. Once the application has been successfully launched, it no longer goes through Gatekeeper; so, restore Gatekeeper settings to the default option Mac App Store and identified developers after successfully launching the application.

Invensense MPU9250 via SPI

This is a note on building support for the MPU92509-axis chip in the AdaPilotproject (the AdaRacerhardware; the prototype board I have is subtly different from the one shown).
9-axis means it can measure each of acceleration, gyro and magnetic field values in 3 axes, which is very useful if your drone needs to know about its own motion.

Secondary Stack in Cortex GNAT RTS

In GNAT, the secondary stack is a construct used with indeterminate types. For example, if a function returns a String, it isn't possible for the caller to determine how much space to reserve for the result: instead, the called function allocates the amount of space required on the secondary stack, and on return the caller determines how much space to allocate on the normal (primary) stack, and pops the function's result from the secondary stack to there.

This note discusses how the secondary stack is managed in Cortex GNAT RTS for FSF GCC and GNAT Community Edition (was GNAT GPL).

  • 14 June 2018 at 16:59

VMWare shared drive vs Debian Stretch

This note is about problems with VMWare shared drives failing to mount.

My previous setup was VMWare Fusion 8 and Debian 8 (jessie), with the VMWare-recommended open-vm-tools. After upgrading to VMWare Fusion 10 and Debian 9 (stretch), the shared folder (~) on the Mac was no longer visible from Debian (~/mac, a symbolic link to /mnt/hgfs).

After looking here, I added this line to /etc/fstab:

vmhgfs-fuse /mnt/hgfs fuse defaults,allow_other 0 0

but rebooting hung, and invited me to log in as system to fix the problem.

Other posts in the reference stated that you need to mount to /mnt/hgfs/mac: so, edit the /etc/fstab line to

vmhgfs-fuse /mnt/hgfs/mac fuse defaults,allow_other 0 0

and the system rebooted OK.

Now, make ~/mac a link to /mnt/hgfs/mac:

ln -sf /mnt/hgfs/mac ~/mac

and all is well again.

Incidentally, I found that copy/paste between host and client no longer worked: another Google search led me to

sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools-desktop

Reboot, and on we go!
