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Ada visitor design pattern and generics

I'm implementing a visitor pattern and I have some elements that I could implement using generics, but the GNAT compiler complains with the generic type. I have a solution using generic mix-ins but its less intuitive.

How can I solve it?

I provide the following minimal reproducibable example:

  1. visitors.ads
with ConcreteElements;
with Instantiation;

package Visitors is

  type Visitor_t is interface;

  procedure pVisit (this : in Visitor_t;
                    element : ConcreteElements.ConcreteElement_t) is abstract;

  procedure pVisit (this : in Visitor_t;
                    element : Instantiation.GenericElement_t) is abstract;

end Visitors;
  1. elements.ads
limited with Visitors;

package Elements is

  type Element_t is abstract tagged null record;

  procedure pAccept
    (this : in Element_t;
     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class) is abstract;

end Elements;
  1. concreteelements.ads/adb
limited with Visitors;
with Elements;

package ConcreteElements is

  type ConcreteElement_t is new Elements.Element_t with null record;

  procedure pAccept
    (this : in ConcreteElement_t;
     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class);

end ConcreteElements;
with Visitors;

package body ConcreteElements is

  procedure pAccept
    (this : in ConcreteElement_t;
     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class) is
  end pAccept;

end ConcreteElements;
  1. genericelements.ads/adb
with Elements;
limited with Visitors;

  type Parent_t (<>) is abstract new Elements.Element_t with private;
package GenericElements is

  type GenericElement_t is new Parent_t with null record;

  procedure pAccept (this : in GenericElement_t;
                     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class);

end GenericElements;
with Visitors;

package body GenericElements is

  procedure pAccept (this : in GenericElement_t;
                     visitor : in Visitors.Visitor_t'Class) is
  end pAccept;

end GenericElements;
  1. instantiation.ads
with GenericElements;
with Elements;

package instantiation is new GenericElements
  (Parent_t => Elements.Element_t);

The compiler complains in the body of 4), at line 9:

expected type "instantiation.GenericELement_t" defined at genericelements.ads:8

found type "GenericElements.GenericElement_t" defined at genericelements.ads:8

My solution is to perform a mix-in, making GenericElement_t abstract, thus this would be 1), 4) and 5):


with ConcreteElements;
with Instantiation;

package Visitors is

  type Visitor_t is interface;

  procedure pVisit (this : in Visitor_t;
                    element : ConcreteElements.ConcreteElement_t) is abstract;

  procedure pVisit (this : in Visitor_t;
                    element : Instantiation.Instantiation_t) is abstract;

end Visitors;
with Elements;

  type Parent_t (<>) is abstract new Elements.Element_t with private;
package GenericElements is

  type GenericElement_t is abstract new Parent_t with null record;

end GenericElements;
private with GenericElements;
limited with Visitors;
with Elements;

package instantiation is 

  type Instantiation_t is new Elements.Element_t with private;

  procedure pAccept (this : in Instantiation_t;
                     visitor : Visitors.Visitor_t'Class);


  package instantiation_pck is new GenericElements 
    (Parent_t => Elements.Element_t);

  type Instantiation_t is new instantiation_pck.GenericElement_t with null record;

end instantiation;
with Visitors;

package body instantiation is

  procedure pAccept (this : in Instantiation_t;
                     visitor : Visitors.Visitor_t'Class) is
  end pAccept;

end instantiation;

Can I implement correctly the first option or I shall implement it using mix-ins?

Thank you in advance and sorry for the ammount of code.

Ada: polymorphic callbacks

I'm trying to implement an Observer pattern using OOP and dynamic dispatching, but I'm not able to create an access-to-subprogram constant because the argument types of the named access and the procedure of the type extension don't match.

I provide a minimal reproducibable example, ommiting subscription:

package Alarms is

  type time_t is mod 2**32;

  type AlarmObserver_t is interface;
  type Callback_t is access procedure (this : in out AlarmObserver_t);

  type AlarmPublisher_t (<>) is tagged limited private;
  function fConstructor (capacity : in Positive) return AlarmPublisher_t;


  type AlarObserverAcc_t is access AlarmObserver_t'Class;

  type dummy_t is new AlarmObserver_t with null record;
  procedure pEventDummy (this : in out dummy_t) is Null;

  dummy : constant AlarObserverAcc_t := new dummy_t;
  dummyCallback : constant Callback_t := pEventDummy'Access; --Fails

  type Node_t is limited
      Observer : AlarObserverAcc_t := dummy;
      Callback : Callback_t := dummyCallback;
      time : time_t := time_t'Last;
    end record;

  defaultNode : constant Node_t := Node_t' (Observer => dummy,
                                            Callback => dummyCallback,
                                            time     => time_t'Last);

  type ObserverArray_t is array (Positive range <>) of Node_t;

  type AlarmPublisher_t (capacity : Positive) is tagged limited 
      --Member "observers" has default initialisation because Node_t is initialised
      observers : ObserverArray_t (Positive'First .. capacity);
    end record;

end Alarms;

And the implementation to let you reproduce it:

package body Alarms is
  function fConstructor (capacity : in Positive) return AlarmPublisher_t is
    return Obj : AlarmPublisher_t (capacity => capacity) do
    end return;
  end fConstructor;

end Alarms;

I was inspiring in Matthew Heaney callbacks Observer pattern

He use a class-wide argument for the access-to-subprogram procedure, but I would like to use OOP notation and let the concrete observers to have those procedures as primitives.

Why procedure pEventDummy is not compatible if dummy_t implements AlarmObserver_t interface? Can I do what I want?

I provide an example below to show what I would like to do. I want concrete observers to be flexible and allow them to subscribe to the method they want to be notified when the subscribed alarm expires. I don't know in advance which primitives will be used for that purpose so I don't want to type all the possibilities as abstract primitives of the AlarmObserver_t interface, I would like let the concrete observers to subscribe to an access to procedure for that purpose, and they will be notified through them at different moments:

with Alarms;

package ConcreteObserver is

  type ConcreteObserver_t is new Alarms.AlarmObserver_t with private;

  --Procedure evTimeout to be notified for an alarm expirancy.
  --Null implementation to let you compile
  procedure evTimeout (this : in out ConcreteObserver_t) is null;

  --Procedure evAnotherTimeout to be notified for another alarm expirancy
  --Null implementation to let you compile
  procedure evAnotherTimeout (this : in out ConcreteObserver_t) is null;


  --This will fail as dummyCallback in Alarms package
  evTimeoutCallback : constant Alarms.Callback_t := evTimeout'Access; 

  --This will fail as dummyCallback in Alarms package
  evAnotherTimeoutCallback : constant Alarms.Callback_t := evAnotherTimeout'Access; 

  type ConcreteObserver_t is new Alarms.AlarmObserver_t with 
      --Any attribute
    end record;

end ConcreteObserver;

Ada.Containers.Formal_Indefinite_Vectors memory leak

I'm using an instance of package Ada.Containers.Formal_Indefinite_Vectors to store two kinds of polimorphic objects.

I have the following package where I instantiate the container:

with Interfaces.C;
with Root.Classes.Concrete_1;
with Root.Classes.Concrete_2;

package Root.Vectors is

  type vector_t is tagged limited private;
  subtype vectorIndex_t is Interfaces.C.int range 1 .. Interfaces.C.int'Last;

  procedure pAppend (this : in out vector_t;
                     New_Item : Root.Classes.Parent_t'Class);

  procedure pClear (this : in out vector_t);

  --TODO: I have to define it correctly, it could be the problem
  function "=" (Left, Right : Root.Classes.Parent_t'Class)
                return Boolean is (True); 

  MaxSize : constant Natural := Natural'Max 

  package polimorphicVector_pck is new
      (Index_Type                   => vectorIndex_t,
       Element_Type                 => Root.Classes.Parent_t'Class,
       "="                          => "=",
       Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements => MaxSize,
       Bounded                      => True);

  type vector_t is tagged limited
      v : polimorphicVector_pck.Vector (Capacity => 1000); --TODO: magic number
    end record;

end Root.Vectors;
package body Root.Vectors is

  procedure pAppend (this : in out vector_t;
                     New_Item : Root.Classes.Parent_t'Class) is

    polimorphicVector_pck.Append (Container => this.v,
                                  New_Item  => New_Item);
  end pAppend;

  procedure pClear (this : in out vector_t) is

    polimorphicVector_pck.Clear (Container => this.v);
  end pClear;

end Root.Vectors;

Then I test it with the following main:

with Root.Classes.Concrete_1;
with Root.Vectors;

procedure Main is

  aVector : Root.Vectors.Vector_t;


  for idx in Natural range 1 .. 1000 loop

      --Concrete_1_t is an unconstrained tagged type that requires constructor
      obj : Root.Classes.Concrete_1.Concrete_1_t :=
        Root.Classes.Concrete_1.fConstructor (Argument => idx);
      aVector.pAppend (New_Item => obj);

  end loop;

  -- Trying to clear the vector after all appends; this does not seem to work

end Main;

Then, I have used gnatmem to check if I have any memory leak, showing the following:

Global information
   Total number of allocations        :779831
   Total number of deallocations      :5080
   Final Water Mark (non freed mem)   : 26.71 Megabytes
   High Water Mark                    : 26.71 Megabytes

Allocation Root # 1
 Number of non freed allocations    :764550
 Final Water Mark (non freed mem)   : 17.50 Megabytes
 High Water Mark                    : 17.50 Megabytes
 Backtrace                          :
   ??:0 ??

Allocation Root # 2
 Number of non freed allocations    :5100
 Final Water Mark (non freed mem)   : 119.53 Kilobytes
 High Water Mark                    : 119.53 Kilobytes
 Backtrace                          :
   a-cfinve.adb:220 root.vectors.polimorphicVector_pck.copy

Allocation Root # 3
 Number of non freed allocations    :3390
 Final Water Mark (non freed mem)   : 7.78 Megabytes
 High Water Mark                    : 7.78 Megabytes
 Backtrace                          :
   a-cfinve.adb:466 root.vectors.polimorphicVector_pck.find_index

Allocation Root # 4
 Number of non freed allocations    :1710
 Final Water Mark (non freed mem)   : 1.32 Megabytes
 High Water Mark                    : 1.32 Megabytes
 Backtrace                          :
   a-cfinve.adb:219 root.vectors.polimorphicVector_pck.copy

Allocation Root # 5
 Number of non freed allocations    :   1
 Final Water Mark (non freed mem)   : 8 Bytes
 High Water Mark                    : 8 Bytes
 Backtrace                          :
   ??:0 system.stream_attributes.xdr.i_ssi

Why is it leaking? It can be due to the "=" that always return True?

Ada2012 & GNAT: compile library under a namespace

Can I compile a library adding a namespace at compile time using GNAT? I have to link to a legacy library that don't use a root package and child packages, so it's very annoying having hundred of options when I have to include something.

The other option I have is to write a Python script to add the root package to all files to reduce the problem.

Parametrizing blob types using gnatcoll.sql

I am using the Ada library gnatcoll.sql to create parametrizable SQL queries.

While I am able to create Integer parameters for type SQL_Field_Integer using the function:

function Integer_Param (Index : Positive) return Integer_Fields.Field'Class
  renames Integer_Fields.Param;

As well as for the following types using their respective functions:

SQL_Field_Bigint, SQL_Field_Text, SQL_Field_Boolean, SQL_Field_Float, SQL_Field_Long_Float, SQL_Field_Money, SQL_Field_Time, SQL_Field_Date

I am not able to parametrize Blob fields, I don't find those type mappings nor any service except the postgresql/sqlite bindings at low-level.

How can I parametrize blob types? As String?

Maximum line length Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line

I'm using GNATColl-sql to create SQL queries. I was thinking to perform a visual inspection of the generated SQL code using the "To_String" method, but when I call Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line or Ada.Text_IO.Put to see the SQL string, a carriage return is being added to the output.

For example, I cannot share the real query, if I expect:

SELECT orders.order_id, customers.last_name FROM orders INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id WHERE orders.order_id <> 1 ORDER BY orders.order_id;

What I'm getting after Put_Line/Put instead (notice the line break at customers.cust CRLF omer_id):

SELECT orders.order_id, customers.last_name FROM orders INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.cust
omer_id WHERE orders.order_id <> 1 ORDER BY orders.order_id;

I first suspected that carriage return was due to a GNATColl-sql bug, but now I suspect the procedure Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line has a maximum line length to print. Am I right?

I tried the procedure "Ada.Text_IO.Set_Line_Length" with a huge count value, greater than the position where the carriage return is added, but it is printed at the same place.

How can I print a large string on a line instead of several lines?

New suspicion:

I was running my main on GNATStudio, but if I directly run the main.exe on a cmd I can see the SQL on a line now. GNATStudio may be configuring a maximum line length for printing.
