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Before yesterdayAwesome Ada

Move many libraries and bindings to relavant sections

By: onox
7 October 2020 at 01:47
Move many libraries and bindings to relavant sections

Removed duplicates:

- opengl-ada
- ada-nanovg
- ada-base
- ada-net-framework

Added new projects:

- dcf-ada
- weechat-ada
- weechat-canberra
- weechat-emoji

Renamed some sections:

- "Networking" to "Networking and Communication Middlware"
- "Multimedia" splitted to "Computer Graphics", "General Purpose Computing",
  and "Sound"
- "Encryption, hashing, encoding" to "Cryptography"

Created new sections:

- Terminal User Interface
- Compression
- Chatting and Communication
- Robotics
- Linux and POSIX
- Windows and .NET
  • 7 October 2020 at 01:47