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Coding Ada: strings (iv) – unbounded to string

By: spqr
16 February 2021 at 20:52

As mentioned before, strings in Ada can be tricky. Normal strings are fixed in length, and Ada is very stringent about this. Consider a piece of code like this:

with ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with ada.strings.unbounded; use ada.strings.unbounded;

procedure ustr2strfail is
   function tub(Source : String) return unbounded_string renames ada.strings.unbounded.to_unbounded_string;
   type lexicon is array(1..10) of unbounded_string;
   words : lexicon := (tub("gum"),tub("sin"),tub("cry"),
   aword : string(1..10);
   aword := to_string(words(7));
end ustr2strfail;

This will compile fine, however when it runs, the following error will propogate:

raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : ustr2strfail.adb:12 length check failed

This means that although the unbounded string is converted to a string using the function to_string(), it only works if the length of the unbounded string equals the length of the string aword. So in the code above, aword has a length of 10, and when an attempt is made to assign it the unbounded string, “sleeper”, it fails. It would work if sleeper was padded out with 3 spaces after it. How to fix this? Do exactly that, pad the words. Here is a subroutine that does this:

with ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with ada.strings.unbounded; use ada.strings.unbounded;
with ada.strings.unbounded.Text_IO; use ada.strings.unbounded.Text_IO;
with ada.strings.fixed; use ada.strings.fixed;

procedure ustr2str is
   subtype string10 is string(1..10);
   R : string10;
   function tub(Source : String) return unbounded_string renames ada.strings.unbounded.to_unbounded_string;
   type lexicon is array(1..10) of unbounded_string;
   words : lexicon := (tub("gum"),tub("sin"),tub("cry"),

   function padString(V: unbounded_string) return string10 is
      temp : constant string := to_string(V);
      res : string10;
      ada.strings.fixed.move(temp, res, drop=>ada.strings.right);
      return res;
   end padString;

   R := padString(words(7));
end ustr2str;

It uses the procedure move(), from the ada.strings.fixed package. It has the following basic form:

procedure Move (Source  : in  String;
                Target  : out String;
                Drop    : in  Truncation := Error;
                Justify : in  Alignment  := Left;
                Pad     : in  Character  := Space);

The procedure move() copies characters from Source to Target. If Source has the same length as Target, then the effect is to assign Source to Target. If Source is shorter than Target then, Justify is used to place the Source into the Target (default = Left). Pad specifies the padding, default is Space. Drop is used if Source is longer than Target.


Coding Ada: strings (iii) – arrays of strings

By: spqr
13 January 2021 at 20:44

The problem with strings in Ada is that they just don’t play nicely. As we have seen in previous posts, strings in Ada are either fixed, or unbounded. Now creating an array of strings in other languages isn’t that hard, nor is it in Ada – some things are just beyond its scope. Now by an array of strings, I mean a structure that could hold something like a dictionary of words. So how do we go about this?

The first example below creates a type, lexicon, with is a 5 element array of strings, 3 characters in length (so 5 three letter words). The variable words is then an instantiation of lexicon, which is assigned five three letter words. It’s not really possible to use the term string without the constraints (1..3). This is because of the fact that strings in Ada are fixed length – and it means all the strings assigned to words will have to be of length 3.

type lexicon is array(1..5) of string(1..3);
words : lexicon := ("gum","sin","cry","lug","fly");

It is also not possible to make the constraint larger, e.g. (1..10), and use words or variable length, e.g. “gum”, “housefly”, “star”. This will cause a constraint error (the word star would have to be specified as “star “, with 6 spaces filling out the word). The alternative is to unbounded strings, but they come with their own baggage. Consider the following code, changing the string to an unbounded_string.

type lexicon is array(1..5) of unbounded_string;
words : lexicon := ("gum","sin","cry","lug","star");

Compile this, and it will produce a series of errors of the form:

file.adb:10:24: expected private type "Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String"
file.adb:10:24: found a string type

This means that when it tried to assign the words, it considered “gum” to be a string, NOT an unbounded_string. The declaration of lexicon works fine if reading directly from a file, but not predefined strings. The fix? Not pretty, because the strings have to be converted to unbound strings using the function to_unbounded_string().

words : lexicon :=(to_unbounded_string("gum"),to_unbounded_string("sin"),to_unbounded_string("cry"),to_unbounded_string("lug"),to_unbounded_string("star"));

Messy right? There is one way of cleaning up this code and that is providing an alias for the function name to_unbounded_string(). Here is how that is done, renaming the function to tub().

function tub(Source : String) return unbounded_string renames ada.strings.unbounded.to_unbounded_string;

Then the code below it becomes:

type lexicon is array(1..5) of unbounded_string;
words : lexicon := (tub("gum"),tub("sin"),tub("cry"),tub("lug"),tub("star"));

Not perfect, but then that is Ada and strings for you.


Programming made easy – nested loops

By: spqr
1 May 2020 at 13:21

We’re not quite done with loops yet. There are still a few things to learn, although some can be left for later. There are certain situations where it is appropriate to use a loop inside another loop. Such a loop is called a nested loop. A nested loop is executed, essentially, from the inside out. Each loop is like a layer and has its own loop control, its own condition and its own loop body. Below is a schematic of three nested loops.

A loop inside a loop, inside a loop.

There are many different kinds of nested loops, and they are largely dependent on the underlying algorithm. Below are some examples of the types of nested loops that are possible.

Various examples of nested loops

We will consider how a nested loop can be used to create a times table. It basically works by iterating the inner loop 12 times for every iteration of the outer loop. So, 12 × 12 = 144 iterations. The outer loop is highlighted in blue, and the inner loop in red. Here is a sample output:

 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12
 2   4   6   8  10  12  14  16  18  20  22  24
 3   6   9  12  15  18  21  24  27  30  33  36
 4   8  12  16  20  24  28  32  36  40  44  48
 5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60
 6  12  18  24  30  36  42  48  54  60  66  72
 7  14  21  28  35  42  49  56  63  70  77  84
 8  16  24  32  40  48  56  64  72  80  88  96
 9  18  27  36  45  54  63  72  81  90  99 108
10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90 100 110 120
11  22  33  44  55  66  77  88  99 110 121 132
12  24  36  48  60  72  84  96 108 120 132 144


with ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with ada.Integer_Text_IO; use ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure nested is 
   for x in 1..12 loop
      for y in 1..12 loop
         put(x*y, width=>4);
      end loop;
   end loop;
end nested;


program nested
   integer :: x, y
   do x = 1, 12
      do y = 1, 12
         write(*,10,advance='no') xy
         10 format(I4)
      end do
   end do
end program nested


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
   int x, y;
   for (x=1; x<=12; x=x+1)
      for (y=1; y<=12; y=y+1)
         printf("%4d", x*y);
   return 0;


for x = 1:12
   for y = 1:12
      @printf("%4d", x*y)


Programming made easy – loops (iii)

By: spqr
27 April 2020 at 13:44

There are of course other loops. These loops are normally used when the number of times a loop iterates isn’t known. These type of loops generally use some form of condition to control the loop. The most prominent type of loop is the while loop. A while loop checks a condition, and if true, processes the code in the loop body, otherwise it exists the loop. Unlike the for loop, which controls the values of the loop index in terms of updating its value, in the loops like while, this process must be added, i.e. the value of i is given the value 1, before the loop is activated, and its value is incremented within the loop body.

We will consider some of these loops using the same Harmonic series, this time in increasing order. The code for the program in Fortran, Ada, Julia and C is shown below. The loop is highlighted in blue.


program harmonic
   integer :: n, i
   real :: h

   read (*,*) n
   h = 0
   i = 1
   do while (i <= n)
      h = h + 1.0/i
      i = i + 1
   end do
   write(*,*) h
end program harmonic

Here the index variable, i, must be initiated to the value 1 before the loop begins, and incremented within the loop. The condition states that the loop continues while the value of i is less than or equal to n, i.e. (i <= n) . Fortran also provides a more generic do/end do loop.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
   int i, n;
   float h;

   scanf("%d", &n);
   printf("%d\n", n);
   h = 0.0;
   i = 1;
   while (i <= n){
      h = h + 1.0/i;
      i = i + 1;
   printf("%lf\n", h);
   return 0;

In the C version, the structure is almost the same, except that the do while of Fortran has been replace with a simple while. With the addition of the statement to increment the value of i, the loop “contents” are now enclosed within { and }. C also has another loop, the do/while() loop, that performs the loop once, then evaluates the condition at the end.


with ada.Float_Text_IO; use Ada.Float_Text_IO;
with ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

procedure harmonic is
   n, i : integer;
   h : float;
   h := 0.0;
   i := 1;
   while i <= n loop
      h := h + 1.0/float(i);
      i := i + 1;
   end loop;
end harmonic;

In Ada, the while loop looks similar to that of the other to Fortran and C, it is just subtleties in syntax that set them apart. Here there are no parenthesis around the condition. Also note that in the for loop, the index variable, i, did not have to be declared, but here it does. Ada also provides a generic loop/end loop loop.


n = parse(Int64, chomp(readline()))
h = 0
i = 1
while i <= n
   h = h + 1.0/i
   i = i + 1

Same deal here. Similar to Ada, except the loop keyword after the condition isn’t needed. There are only two loops in Julia.

As you can see, over four languages, the only thing that fundamentally changes is the basic syntax of the loop.


Programming made easy – loops (ii)

By: spqr
24 April 2020 at 14:39

With the basics of for loops, let’s look at an example of an actual program which calculates the Harmonic series, which is an infinite series of the form:

h(n) = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + … + 1/n

The code for the program in Fortran, Ada, Julia and C is shown below. The loop is highlighted in blue.  For interest sake, the loops are presented in reverse, i.e. 1/n + 1/(n-1) + … + 1, as it illustrates clearly how each language deals with the simple issue of a decreasing index. In each case the starting value of the index variable i is n, and the ending value is 1. Here it is the algorithm for the Harmonic series depicted visually, clearly showing the role of the loop:


program harmonic
   integer :: n, i
   real :: h

   read (*,*) n
   h = 0
   do i = n,1,-1
      h = h + 1.0/i
   end do
   write(*,*) h
end program harmonic

Here the third item (the modifier) in the Fortran loop denotes the type of change to the loop index, in this case, a decrease by 1. In a  normal loop incrementing by 1, the modifier can be omitted.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
   int i, n;
   float h;

   scanf("%d", &n);
   printf("%d\n", n);
   h = 0.0;
   for (i=n; i>=1; i=i-1)
      h = h + 1.0/i;
   printf("%lf\n", h);
   return 0;

In the C version, the loop index is decremented using the statement i=i–1. For more than one statement after the for loop definition, the statements would have to be encapsulated in { and }.


with ada.Float_Text_IO; use Ada.Float_Text_IO;
with ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

procedure harmonic is
   n : integer;
   h : float;
   h := 0.0;
   for i in reverse 1..n loop
      h := h + 1.0/float(i);
   end loop;
end harmonic;

In Ada, the keyword reverse is used to specify a loop will be decreasing in value.


n = parse(Int64, chomp(readline()))
h = 0
for i = n:-1:1
   h = h + 1.0/i

Here the index modifier is placed in the centre, n:-1:1, implying i has the values n to 1, modified by -1 each loop iteration. In a  normal loop incrementing by 1, the modifier can be omitted.


Programming made easy – loops (i)

By: spqr
23 April 2020 at 19:53

Humans are, by nature, repetitive beings. Watch the Star Trek: TNG episode “Cause and Effect”, and you will quickly understand what a loop is as the Enterprise is caught in a causality time loop. There are also times when programs must do a task more than once. If the repetition is limited to some countable number of recurrences with a foreseeable end then it is called a loop. And if, at least in the perception of the individual who is experiencing a certain situation, there is no end in sight then one is talking about endless or infinite loops. All of the above can be desirable or not. Here is a visual illustration:

The code in the program moves linearly from statement A, until it encounters a loop. At the start of the loop, the loop control tests some condition. If the condition is true, then the loop activates the piece of code (made up of one or more statements) in what is called the loop body. When that code is done the loop returns to the loop control, and the process starts all over. If the condition in the loop control becomes false, nothing happens, and the program ends the loop, and continues on to statement B. There is also a possibility that the first time into the loop, the condition becomes false, and in that case the loop is bypassed.

Loops are structures that allow for repetition – repeating an activity a number of times. There are different kinds of repetition:

  1. Loops where the number of repetitions is known before the loop activates.
  2. Loops where the number of repetitions isn’t known, and is controlled by some condition.
  3. Loops that are infinite, i.e. could continue to infinity and beyond.

The best example of the first case encountered in most languages is the for loop. Here we use a variable called a loop index to control the loop. Each time a loop loops it is called an iteration. So if the loop index is x, and it repeats 100 times, then x will begin with a value of 1, and increment by 1 each iteration, until x reaches 100. In Julia this is easily achieved in the following manner (in this case the loop simply prints out each value of x):

for x = 1:100

In Ada it takes a similar format (the printing part is a little different, but just ignore that bit):

for x in 1..100 loop
end loop;

Ada uses the keyword loop to signify it as a loop. Fortran also uses a similar construct, but has never used the for loop, opting instead for the keyword do. Same concept, different name.

do x = 1, 100
   write(*,*) x
end do

C also uses a for loop, although it can be somewhat more convoluted:

for (x=1; x<=100; x=x+1)

All have their varied syntax, but achieve the same goal – a known number of iterations.


Coding Ada: Bitwise operators

By: spqr
7 April 2020 at 02:14

In Ada, you can find similar bitwise operators to other languages: and, or, xor, and operators that shift left and right. The trick is that they use modular types. These types are unsigned and have “wrap-around” semantics. Consider the following declaration:

subtype byte is unsigned_8;
package byteIO is new ada.text_io.modular_io(byte);
x, y, z: byte;

This defines an integer type whose values range from 0 to 255 (on most processors), i.e. the integers that will fit in a byte. Since it’s “modular”, it means that arithmetic operations on the type wrap around (i.e. if you add 130 + 130, you will get 4. With this declaration, you can create binary numbers:

x := 2#00011110#;
y := 2#11110100#;
z := 2#11110000#;

Here x=30, y=244, and z=240. So we can then use bitwise operators (found in the Ada package Interfaces) to swap the numbers:

x := x xor y;
y := y xor x;
x := x xor y;

The numbers can be printed out with this code:


You can also use put from the sub-package byteIO:

byteIO.put(item => z, base => 2);

If we want to convert a number input from integer to type byte, we can do so in the following manner:

w: integer;
z := byte'val(integer'pos(w));
byteIO.put(item => z, base => 2);

The byte’val returns the base type of byte. For example, if the value input by the user is 17 (w), then the value assigned to z will be 10001. What about shift operators? There is shift_left() and shift_right(). Here’s an example:

zs: byte; 
zs := shift_left(z,1);
byteIO.put(item => zs, base => 2);

If the user inputs 12, then the value of zs will be 24, as it has been shifted left 1 bit.


Coding Ada: Timing code and passing functions to functions

By: spqr
19 March 2019 at 14:03

If you have to time a function in a language like Ada, one option is to create a timer function that takes the function to be timed as a parameter. Here is an Ada program that times the Ackermann function. There is nothing special about the ackermann() function, except that it is recursive. The interesting part of the code involves creating a type, functype, to hold the function “pointer”, or access point. The type uses the phrase “access function” followed by the parameter list for the function in question, and the type of the return value. This denotes an Access type, which is the equivalent of a pointer in other languages. Rather than using the term “points to”, Ada prefers to refer to this type of entity as “granting access” to an object. An access to subprogram allows the caller to call a subprogram without knowing its name nor its declaration location.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar;

procedure passingfunc is

   type functype is access function (x,y: integer) return integer;

   function ackermann(m,n: in integer) return integer is
      if m = 0 then
         return n+1;
      elsif n = 0 then
         return ackermann(m-1,1);
         return ackermann(m-1,ackermann(m,n-1));
      end if;
   end ackermann;

   procedure timeit(Func : functype; m,n : in integer) is 
      result : integer;
      startTime, endTime : time;
      milliS : Duration;
      startTime := Clock;
      result := Func(m,n);
      endTime := Clock;
      milliS := (endTime - startTime) * 1000;
      put_line("Result: " & Integer'Image(result));
      put_line("Runtime = " & Duration'Image(milliS) & " milliseconds.");
   end timeit;

   timeit(ackermann'Access, 4, 1);
end passingfunc;

The function timeit() can then be implemented. It declares Func as one of the parameters, implying that a function (pointer) can be passed to it. The remaining two parameters are the two parameters to be passed onto ackermann(). Note that the call to Func() is quite normal as well – no magic needed. The guts of the timing algorithm are described in another post, so the interested reader is referred there. When the function timeit() is called in the main program, the ackermann() function is passed using ackermann’Access.

Here’s the program running… with some trivial output:

Result: 65533
Runtime = 17441.122000000 milliseconds.

Those of you who have ever implemented a non-recursive version of Ackermann will note the runtime of 17-odd seconds, which is much faster than the 60-80 seconds of the version using a stack.


Ada and goto

By: spqr
1 March 2019 at 16:10

Every language has its hidden “features”, and Ada, like most other languages has a goto statement. Any statement could be labelled by an identifier enclosed in double angle brackets, << >>. For example:

<<gohere>> g = 12.3; ...
goto gohere;

However, the goto in Ada is somewhat better behaved. It cannot transfer control outside the current subprogram or package body; it cannot transfer control inside a structure (e.g. from else to then in an if statement); and it cannot transfer control from the outside of a structured statement into the body of a structured statement. Consider the following code:

with ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with ada.Integer_Text_IO; use ada.Integer_Text_IO;

procedure gotoada is
   x,y,z : integer;
         put_line("Enter a number: ");
<<lbl1>> if x = 1 then
            y := 1;
            z := 1;
<<lbl2>> else
            y := 2;
            z := 2;
         end if;

         case y is
            when 1 =>
               put_line("jump to top");
               goto lbl1;
            when others =>
               put_line("jump to middle");
               goto lbl2;
         end case;

end gotoada;

The goto associated with lbl1 is allowed. However the goto associated with lbl2, which jumps into the middle of the if statement above it,  is not allowed. Try to compile this, and you’ll get the following compiler message:

gotoada.adb:24:21: target of goto statement is not reachable

Languages like Pascal would easily allow this sort of code, but Ada was designed to prevent issues with uber unstructured code.




Coding Ada: reading lines from files.

By: spqr
4 April 2018 at 22:03

How to read lines from a text file in Ada?

First create some variables for the filename, string to hold the filename, a string to hold the line of text, and a boolean value to hold the file status (nameOK):

infp : file_type;
sline : unbounded_string;
fname : unbounded_string;
nameOK : boolean := false;

Then read in the filename, continuously if it does not exist, or there are other issues with it. When this is okay, open the file for reading, and loop through the file, using the function get_line() to read a line of text, and store it in the unbounded_string sline. This can then be further processed, before a new line of text read.

put_line ("Enter the filename: ");
   exit when nameOK;
   nameOK := exists(to_string(fname));
end loop;

open(infp, in_file, to_string(fname));

   exit when end_of_file(infp);
   -- Process each line from the file
   -- do something with the line of text
end loop;






Coding Ada: Using an exception

By: spqr
27 March 2018 at 14:01

Some people wonder where you can use a simple exception in Ada. Functions are an ideal place. Below is a program which contains a function isNumber() which returns true if the string passed to it is considered a number (integer). So 1984 us a number, but x24 is not. The program takes a word as input from the user (as an unbounded_string), and passes it to isNumber(). The function isNumber() converts the unbounded_string to a string, and then to an integer using integer’value(). If the conversion works, then the function returns true. If however, the conversion fails, then a Constraint_Error exception will be triggered, and false will be returned.

with ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with ada.strings.unbounded; use ada.strings.unbounded;
with ada.strings.unbounded.Text_IO; use ada.strings.unbounded.Text_IO;

procedure number is

   aWord : unbounded_string;
   num: integer;
   function isNumber(s: unbounded_string) return boolean is 
      temp: integer;
      temp := integer'value(to_String(s));
      return true;
         when Constraint_Error => return false;
   end isNumber;

   put_line("Enter a word: ");
   if (isNumber(aWord)) then
      num := integer'value(to_String(aWord));
      put_line("Not a number");
   end if;
end number;

This sort of code could be used to count numbers in a document or something similar. You can use float’value to do the same for floating-point numbers.

