Weekly development report 2023-07-08

Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week.

Steam Sky

Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Ada)

Welcome to the last development report for the stable 8.0 series of the game. As by most time, no changes in the code here. I have a feeling that the next big version will have a lot more bug fixing releases available. ;) As the last development version will arrive soon, the next four weeks again will be focused only on the preparation for the new major release.

And the development version itself. Some visible changes are again arrived here, but I started to test the game for bugs. Of course, they are here. ;) Some of them are squashed, but I think there are still a lot more to find:

As mentioned above, it is again the time for next, the last development release of the 9.0 series of the game. In around 24 hours since this post, it will be available to download. And then the "boring reading" month will start. No new features will be added, only bug fixes (probably a lot) and code cleanups.


The static code analyzer for Nim programming language

The work steadily goes toward a new, still pre-alpha release. The work on the rule ifStatements is finished for now and another rule arrived in the program. Plus the new rules are applied to the project itself, which caused a lot of style fixes in the week. ;)

Wine cellar

A graphical user interface for managing Windows programs on FreeBSD

The work on installing a new Windows application resumed. Now the code related to install a Wine version from Wine-Freesbie project is almost finished. The "only" this to do is to test it. ;) It should be done in the next week.
