Weekly development report 2023-06-10

Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week.

Steam Sky

Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Ada)

Again, the stable version doesn't want to cooperate and doesn't report its bugs. ;) No changes here in the last week.

The development version finally has something to show. Not too much, especially if compared to the amount of work which it took, but still something. :) Plus the standard tasks from the previous weeks (and months):

And because the previous development version of the game was almost four weeks ago, time for the new one. In around 24 hours since this post, it will be available for download.


The static code analyzer for Nim programming language

Another big week for a small thing. ;) Nimalyzer got a new, still early alpha release, 0.4 in the middle of the week. After the whole 5 minutes of celebration, the work resumed on the new features for the program. And fixing typos in the documentation. A lot of typos. ;) But before the release, there was some work done too:

Wine cellar

A graphical user interface for managing Windows programs on FreeBSD

That's a new thing here. It has for now a low priority in work, so please don't expect too many things to report in the next weeks. As the description states, it is a simple GUI for managing (installing, setting and removing). The work just started here and everything is still in the organization mode. As usual, the project is also mirrored on GitHub.
